This Dog Is So Heartbroken After Getting Abandoned That He Can't Stop Crying

Nov 23, 2018

Dogs are called “man’s best friend” (women too) for a reason.

In fact, a study conducted by the State Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Evolution (China) in 2016 found that dogs have been associating with man for roughly 33,000 years, which was verified by DNA findings.

No wonder why canines are completely devoted to their human family members and even become depressed or violent when neglected, abandoned, and left alone.

The Dog That Would Not Stop Crying

This story goes well and above beyond faithfulness and loyalty, even for a member of a social pack animal which has had a long-lasting relationship with humans spanning thousands of years.

The video below showcases how deep a dog’s feelings go. If you are one who cries easily or even one who doesn’t grab your hankie because watching a dog cry as a human would over the loss or abandonment of a loved one is almost unimaginable.

Even though the local animal shelter was kind enough to give the dog shelter and food, it did not heal the cracks of its heart as the tears kept dripping from its eyes and howls bellowing from its mouth.

Social Media Cries Along With AJ

Many people on Facebook did when they saw the video of AJ, the cross Pit-Lab, crying and shivering even as one of the shelter’s workers tried their best to console him and ease his pain.

The owner, who has not been named and probably for good reason, abandoned AJ because they could not afford to feed and care for him anymore.

Now, we should not be too judgemental about the owner as we do not know what their situation is at the moment and maybe, in the end, it was the best thing to do for AJ - maybe someone who is in desperate need of a heartbroken canine will come along and fill in those gaps in AJ’s life that the previous owner left behind.

In any case, after the video, which was streamed from the Saving Carson Shelter Dogs’ Facebook page, was streamed many people reached out and expressed how their hearts were torn in two as well.

The workers at Saving Carson Shelter Dogs had the following to say about AJ:

“AJ is sweet, loving, and gentle and enjoys the company of people and dogs. He is missing his brother, home, and former owner and is slowly shutting down……..he needs your help!”​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

**Update! AJ is free!

Just recently AJ was rescued from the shelter by a caring person who saw the video and immediately went down to the shelter to pick him up. The video above show’s AJ being escorted out of the shelter and to his new home (a.k.a. Freedom Walk).

It is believed that very soon Toby will follow suit but anyone wishing to inquire about him should call the shelter and see what the current status on his Rescue is.

Although it was heartbreaking to see AJ so heartbroken, his pitiful plight seems to have taken a turn for the better. We only hope that Toby follows suit and even if both brothers cannot be reunited maybe the love they receive from their new families will fill them up so much that they will forget this whole ordeal and finally be at peace.

What did you think of AJs heartbreaking story? Let us know in the comments - and don't forget to share!