This Divorced Woman Has The Best Marriage Advice You Will Ever Hear

Nov 16, 2018

Treat this article as an essential guide for your married life.

It’s important to remember that a relationship is a two-way street and both parties need to invest in it together, equally. Here are a few tips from a woman after a divorce from her husband of 7 years - she doesn't want to see other loving relationships end in the same way.

Look For The Best In Each Other

Even though there is always going to be something that bugs you about your partner, make sure you focus on the things you like about him. Spend a couple minutes each day thinking about why you're grateful to have your partner in your life.

Make Each Other Feel Wanted

Physical intimacy can mean different things to different people. Make sure you're both on the same page when it comes to your wants and needs. Even as things change over the years, always try and make sure your partner feels loved and recognized in your relationship.

Look for Advice From Women Who Have Successful Marriages

Be careful not to compare your behind-the-scenes to everyone else's highlights, but it's healthy to admire the strong and happy relationships of your friends. Talk to them about what does and doesn't work for their marriages, and how they've made it through rough patches in their lives.

Give Each Other Some Space

Everyone needs space sometimes - don't be afraid of independence. It's healthy for you both to have lives and interests outside of your marriage. Have a girl's night out every once and a while and push your husband to explore his own interests, too!

Don't Try To Fix Him

Sometimes, you won't be able to stand each other. But you signed up for unconditional love, and that means letting go of your pet peeves, taking a deep breath, and trying to find his weird quirks adorable instead of irritating.

Make Each Other Feel Useful

Everyone likes to feel needed. Don't be afraid to ask him to hang up that painting that's been lying in the garage for weeks - or if you've both been putting it off forever, why not find time to hang it up together?

Find The Humor In Everything

Let’s be honest, we all need to laugh more. Be goofy and silly, even when things are tough! You'll both feel better if you try to find humor in whatever life throws at you.

Stop Blaming Each Other

In fact, don't focus on blame at all. Does it really matter who's fault it is? If there's a problem, face it together and try to remember that you guys are on the same team.

Focus On The Positive

There's always going to be negative things going on in life, but there's always going to be good in the world, too. Focus on what you're grateful for instead of thinking about what could be better.

Show Up For Each Other

It doesn't matter whether you're celebrating successes or commiserating failures - always, always be there for each other. Relationships need both the rain and the sunshine to grow, but the important thing is that you grow together.

Don't Compare

Don't compare your lives to the lives of others. Everyone is fighting their own battles, and comparisons will bring you nothing but insecurity. 

Don't Be Afraid To Be Vulnerable

Don't be afraid to tell him the good, the bad, or the ugly. And always allow him to open up to you without judgment - the only way to break down a wall in your relationship is through open, honest, and vulnerable communication.

Learn Each Other's Love Languages

Everyone has different expectations about what they want the relationship to be like. If your views don't match your partners, try to get on the same page about what you each expect, and compromise. Both of you should make a conscious effort to give the other person what they need.

Be Transparent

Don’t be afraid to be open in your relationship about your opinions. If something's upsetting you, be direct (but not hurtful). Transparency can help you build trust and strengthen communication.

What do you think about this advice? If you're married, do you have any other advice that you think may help strengthen marriages? Let us know in the comments and show this article to your friends and family to help their relationships grow!