This Chihuahua Took Its Owners' SUV On An Accidental Ride Across Four Lanes Of Traffic

Dec 10, 2019

He may only be a Chihuahua, but this tiny canine taught his owner an important lesson. Luckily, no one was hurt in the process. ignjatovic

When a couple pulled their SUV into a gas station because she needed gas, they had no idea their Chihuahua passenger would do something so outrageous.

After coming back from paying the cashier, the lady watched in horror as her vehicle started backing away from the gas pump and into the street.

You can see the woman fall to the ground as she attempts to open the car door. The SUV rolls through a lane of oncoming cars, then another, and then another, and another. The terrifying experience ends when the SUV can’t move any further because a barrier on the opposite side of the street prevents it from doing so.

It was suspected by Slidell police in Louisiana that the Chihuahua was responsible for putting the car in reverse. Some time after the incident, the cops concluded that a problem with the vehicle enabled it to shift into reverse without stepping on the brake.

While that car was aimlessly moving through oncoming traffic, it was a blessing that no cars were struck and no pedestrians were harmed. You can only imagine how helpless the car owners felt when all of this was happening.

This unexpected occurrence should teach you that you should always be careful when you have pets in your car, especially if you leave them unattended for any length of time.

See the SUV in the video as it backs up into traffic, and watch the car owner as she attempts, but fails to get inside of her car to stop it. Let others learn a valuable lesson by telling them to watch it.