This Beautiful Bride Was Attacked By A Crocodile Five Days Before Her Wedding Day And Still Looks Amazing

May 26, 2018

Only five days before her wedding date, this bride lost her arm in a tragic attack by a crocodile. But despite such a horrific setback, she still dug deep to find her inner strength and was beautiful in her wedding dress for the big day!

Zanele Ndlovu was getting ready for her wedding for months alongside her fiancé, Jamie Fox. The couple talked and planned in order to make the day as special as possible. 

But tragedy struck just five days before their wedding when the two went canoeing out on the Zambezi River. They were unprepared for the attack that followed as they were enjoying each other’s company... 


When an eight-foot-long crocodile that quickly lunged from the deep waters and attacked both of them. 

Zanele told the Chronicle, a local newspaper, that it all happened so fast. She stated that the canoe began to deflate and the crocodile bit her again while pulling her into the churning water. 

Jamie jumped into the water and tried to pull his bride-to-be from the river. As he pulled on her waist with one hand, he used the other to push against the crocodile to get it to let go of her. 

Luckily, local tour guides were able to jump in and come to the rescue. The crocodile finally released Zanele and she was pulled to safety, out of the water. She was in shock after the attack and later stated that she didn’t even complain of any pain. Unfortunately, the attack left her without her right arm. 

The wedding was just five days from the day of the attack. The couple didn’t want to cancel their wedding with the date so close, so they decided that the show must go on and they would have it in the chapel of the hospital she was being treated at. Zanele looked gorgeous in her wedding dress, despite the fact she was now missing an arm

Zanele told the press that she would never have thought that fate would have her get married with one arm missing, as well as in a hospital chapel! But she didn’t complain.


She stated that her wedding was terrific and that her husband is simply wonderful. 

Jamie states that this terrible accident has brought the two even closer together. He realized just how much love he had for his then-fiancée and how much he will always love her. He said that he loves her more than ever and that it made their vows that much more meaningful. 

Is this an amazing video or what? Let us know your thoughts and pass this incredible story of love onto your friends and loved ones!