Bear Spent Twenty Five Years In A Circus, Now Enjoys Shower At His New Sanctuary Home

Sep 09, 2020

Toshka is an elderly bear who spent twenty five years in the circus. After being released into a sanctuary for rehabilitation and life support by his owners, Toshka initially took some time to get used to his surroundings. However, as he began to understand that he is safe, he became relaxed and friendly with his caretakers. In this video, taken on August 26, 2020, Toshka enjoys a shower in the warm sunlight. 

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)

Being a circus bear isn't easy: we can only imagine the difficult life Toshka had. Circuses are known for their mistreatment of animals, and it was clear that Toshka was afraid of humans when he first came into the sanctuary in Ukraine, as The Daily Mail reports. At first, Toshka was afraid of his caretakers and skeptical of his surroundings. He spent two weeks hiding in the bushes and refused to come outside.

However, after weeks of loving care and devoted attention, Toshka ventured out and began to interact more often with his caretakers. It wasn't long before he started feeling safe where he was. Three other bears along with Toshka were brought into the sanctuary for continued care two months ago.

A bear can live up to an average age of 25 years in the wild. In some ways, this is Toshka's retirement, and it is wonderful to see him relax in his peaceful surroundings.

In the video below, Toshka is sitting in the sunshine and enjoying the steady stream of water that is sprayed on him. He scratches his legs and licks the water off his body, which helps him to cool down. Temperatures can get as high as 95 F in Ukraine, so a shower like this is a much-needed relief as Toshka also has two coats of fur that protect him from harsh, cold temperatures.

Toshka is now adapting well to his new home. Since taking a shower like this is one of his favorite past-times according to his caretaker, he gets them regularly. While regular showers are good for a bear's hygiene, they also just make Toshka happy. After all that he has been through as a circus animal, it is time that someone puts his comfort and happiness above all else. We wish Toshka the very best, and a great retirement ahead! 

What do you think of Toshka the bear? Let us know your thoughts and join us in congratulating Toshka on new life at the sanctuary. If you enjoyed the video, show your friends this cute video of Toshka enjoying a shower in the sunshine as well.

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