This Baby Elephant Got Stuck In A 30-Foot Well, Determined Rescuers Spend 6 Hours To Save Him

Dec 05, 2018

In southern India, a herd of about 50 elephants passed a rural farm. As they walked by 10 of them -- including a baby -- split from the main group.

Little did they know that they had just made a big mistake.

As the group of 10 went their own way they approached a 30-foot well on the farm's property. Unfortunately, the baby elephant in the group fell in. In a panic, it tried to escape, and the other elephants stayed for the baby but eventually gave up and left.

The baby was stuck in the well and was completely abandoned before it was eventually discovered by locals who promptly informed forest officials about the elephant's situation. Soon they were on the scene, and they had brought with them a number of excavators.

The officials immediately began work digging into the well. Their plan was to get close to the well's base in order to fill it with dirt. They hoped this would create enough of a platform that would allow the baby to get up and escape on a ramp that they had built for it.

The excavators got to work dumping dirt in for the baby elephant to step up on. After six hours of hard work the clearly disoriented creature was eventually able to make its way onto the ramp and leave this death trap it found itself in once and for all.

As the officials worked to save the animal local villagers began to crowd around the area in order to watch if the baby was going to be able to escape. When it finally managed to escape and takes its first steps on the ground the group broke into applause. The animal was safe and able to return to its herd.

Watch the extraordinary video below, and feel free to spread the word to everyone you know so that they too can see the work put into saving this baby elephant's life. Also, be sure to let us know what you think!