This American Idol Audition Was So Incredible, the Judges Got Out of Their Seats to Be Closer

Apr 03, 2019

27-year-old Ashley Hess wowed the judges (and ALL of us) with her American Idol audition. Originally from Fremont, California, this superstar sang a jaw-dropping rendition of a Nora Jones classic, “Don’t Know Why” while on the piano.

Judges in Awe of Talent

Completely captivated by her soulful rendition, the judges literally got out of their seats and were quick (and totally right) to give her a one-way ticket to Hollywood!

Better Late Than Never!

Formerly a dental hygienist, Hess admitted how her late start in music was influenced by self-doubt in her talent and ability to make it as an artist. “It’s just been this battle of do I do something that’s risky, or do I do something that makes a little bit more sense?” she shared.

Although constantly split between being a dreamer or a realist, she’s never lost the passion to follow her dreams in music. Now she’s finally taking the risk to pursue her music career and it looks like it'll surely pay off!

“You could win this competition, WAKE UP!” Perry yelled as they handed over the golden ticket. Even Bryant had to stop Hess mid-song so they could pull up a chair by piano. Judges Perry, Bryan, and Richie found themselves blown away with her talent and voice control, and to be honest, we were too.

While impressed, they just couldn’t believe her hesitation towards pursuing her music career. Their only criticism seemed to be with Hess’ casual attitude about not believing in herself. “Well I feel woken up now...I have so much work to do.” Hess said to Perry, who responded, “You don’t! Just be yourself!”

With all the impressive talent we’ve seen through the auditions so far, we can’t wait to see this season’s competition! What did you think of Ashley Hess’ audition and the judge’s reactions?