This Adorable Sassy Exchange Between A Little Girl And Her Grandma Is Making Everyone Smile

Nov 22, 2018

It is easy to take normality for granted. The status quo isn't considered a blessing for most people who experience the average in life. In fact, most people focus on what they don't have rather than what they do have.

The same rule applies for children. When thinking of a normal child, people typically describe someone who enjoys playing and having fun. However, children suffering from rare diseases often give the world "play" a completely different meaning.

Livi Grace is a young girl who suffers from osteogenesis imperfecta. This condition, also known as the 'Brittle bone disease', has no cure. This diagnosis has not kept Livi from living life to the fullest and inspiring others.

This young girl has undergone several major surgeries despite her short life so far. On her Facebook page, she is described as having "spunk" and "resilience". Watching any of Livi's videos will prove just how cute and spunky that she can be.

Although all of Livi's videos have been viewed thousands of times, there is one video that stands out amongst the rest. In the viral video, Livi is seen sitting in a shopping cart and "sassing" her grandma about shoes.

The video is melting hearts around the country as people fall in love with this little girl. Lindsay Rae Wix, Livi's mother, posted the video to her Facebook and was surprised by the positive responses from viewers.

Lindsay commented that her family likes to think that her sassiness is a gift from God to make up for her physical challenges. Unfortunately, OI is not the only condition from which this little girl is suffering. Livi also suffers from coxa vara, also called a hip dysplasia.

There is a Go Fund Me page that raises money to help Livi deal with these challenges.

To make matters worse, one of Livi's older sisters was diagnosed with lesions in her brain. They are causing Maci Kate eye pain and constant headaches.

The GoFundMe page describes the unbelievable odds that the family has had to endure with their medical challenges. If you are moved by this family's story and would like to donate some money, please read their entire GoFundMe page to learn more.

This family continues to persevere through so many challenges and obstacles. Every donation helps to give these wonderful children a normal and healthy life. Do you know somebody who has been through a hard time or has some challenges ahead of them? Pass this story on to them to spread some hope.