This 70-Year-Old Grandma Cleaned 52 Beaches Last Year To Help Our Planet

Jun 06, 2019

Our planet is our only home, for now anyways. For some reason, we really don’t think about that concept too often. We are more than blessed to be living here and receiving all that we do from our planet, especially considering the lack of care we exhibit.

Many won’t think twice about the repercussions of their actions, but there are some that are making a big difference in keeping our planet safer for a longer period of time.

Pat Smith, a woman born in the United Kingdom who now resides in Cornwall, is beginning to made large contributions towards making the earth a little greener again. Pat is a 70-year-old grandmother! She was watching a documentary regarding pollution and how plastic is killing the earth. This really bothered her and she couldn’t get it off of her mind.

She then decided she was going to make a difference. She vowed to herself to go out and clean one beach every single week.

When word spread of what she was doing, she soon had the support of the entire town she lives in. Her grandchildren and other volunteers joined in on her mission. The team has managed to clean an astonishing 52 beaches in Cornwall. All that was accomplished in the year of 2018. And, Pat’s story doesn’t end here.

She has partnered with others such as Martin Dorey. Martin founded a mission called “2 Minute Beach Clean”. Wayne Dixon, another inspiring person she has partnered with, is an ambassador of “Keep Britain Tidy”. Wayne walks along the shores in the United Kingdom to fulfill his mission.

She has also started an initiative called “The Final Straw”. This campaign is to raise awareness about how plastic straws can cause harm. She is hoping to make a huge difference in the outlook of others and eventually rid the world of plastic straws.

Plastic straws are one of the examples of how destructive a single-use plastic can be. They only have one use and then they become useless to anyone. They are practically trash once they are opened. They are found strewn everywhere, even in the oceans. And for the ones that do end up in the trash bin, our landfills are overflowing with them.

Something a lot of people don’t know is that the plastic straws that you have used will end up outliving you and likely your grandchildren!

Even if you only use a straw two times a day, that’s still more than a staggering 600 straws a year. Pat has shown us that if we work together, we can make a big huge difference!

You can learn more about Pat by watching the video below:

What do you think of Pat Smith's idea of cleaning the beaches one by one? Do you have any ideas on how the earth could get a little greener again? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to spread the message by showing this inspiring story to your friends and family!