This 35-Week-Pregnant Woman Struts On The Dance Floor Leaving The Crowd Mindblown With Her Amazing Salsa Moves

Nov 16, 2018

When you think of a woman who is 35 weeks pregnant, you might think of her as resting as much as possible and trying to get ready for the delivery of her baby.

One 35-week-pregnant woman strutted her stuff on the dance floor in a rather revealing dress to show the audience that she has the same moves as a woman who isn't pregnant.

There are some women who have to stay in bed during their pregnancy while other women are able to dance, run, and do the same things they did before getting pregnant. This woman shows no signs that she only has a few weeks left before her due date as she glides from one side of the room to the other with her partner by her side.

The woman had been watching other people dance from the sidelines and knew that she wanted to at least try to show the audience that she still had her same dance moves as before. Her beautiful black dress and sparkling jewelry complete her dance routine. Many doctors recommend staying as active as possible during pregnancy as long as the woman monitors her health and stops when there are any issues noticed with the movement of the baby or if there are any health issues that develop.

While watching this woman dance the night away, you can see that she understands the proper steps and the choreography of the routine. Watch as the audience gasps while she dances and then claps in a thunderous applause when the routine is over.

Check the video right here:

What did you think about her performance? Do you have a friend that would totally do the same? Tell us in the comments and pass this extraordinary video on to your friends and loved ones who need a smile today.