Thirsty Armadillo Flags Car Down On Highway To Ask For Water

Oct 22, 2020

Some amazing animals live in the wild. Armadillos aren't typical domestic animals, as people often see them on the side of the highway. The desert creatures appear to keep to themselves, but one smart armadillo knew it could rely on humans when in trouble. Cledson Matias de Oliveira from Brazil was surprised to find an armadillo flagged his car down for a drink of water. He did what any kind person would do, give the little creature some water and help it get back on its way. This story from October 2020 is surely going to make your day. 

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Cledson Matias de Oliveira discovered the animal when driving down a lonely road. The poor armadillo stood in the middle of the road, which was risky, reports The Dodo. The chances of getting struck by a car loom large for any animal that wanders out on the road. Cledson figures something was wrong.

Why would the armadillo put itself in such a risky position? Perhaps the animal was in trouble somehow and sought help. Cledson opted to stop the car and investigate. It turns out he did the little animal a tremendous favor.

Cledson told The Dodo, “The armadillo stood as if he were asking for something. I believe he was asking for help. I immediately stopped the car, without thinking twice.”

Cledson could not ignore the temperature, which seemed hotter than usual. Wildfires burned in the area, which also contributed to a less-than-desirable climate. Cledson assumed all these factors probably made the little armadillo thirsty. Likely, the animal suffered from dehydration, given the situation. So, Cledson did the humane thing by providing the animal with some water.

“He drank the water with great desire,” Cledson said. “He was really happy [that I stopped]. I could feel it at the moment,” he continued.

The armadillo drinks some sprinkled water and then from a cup. The animal shows no fear of his human friend, rare considering how cautious some animals are. "I believe he understood that I was there to help him," Cledson commented. "Normally, armadillos do not let human beings get close to them. It was magical and unique"

After the little armadillo finished drinking water, The Dodo reports that it continued to stay close to Cledson for a little while, which showed that it was grateful to him, as well as trusted him to not harm.

Hopefully, the armadillo continued to find a water supply afterward. The water Cledson gave him likely restored some of the armadillo's strength, which could help the creature journey on to its destination. 

Let your animal-loving friends learn about the tale of Cledson and the thirsty armadillo. The story shows good people are willing to do good deeds for helpless animals, and the video proves it.

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