They Start To Sing Queen Classic, But 30 Seconds In Crowd Erupts In Fit Of Laughter

Mar 15, 2018

There have been countless versions of Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" over the years in so many different styles. But this men's acapella octet managed to put a new spin on the classic! It's one of those songs that everyone seems to know one way or another so it was bound to be a crowd pleaser.

The performance starts out as a classic acapella version of the Queen classic. It doesn't take long for the song to take a twist, however, and become humorous despite the serious nature of the song. Let us know in the comments which part you found funniest!

Not only was their performance entertaining, but all 8 singers have magical, powerful singing voices. Maybe it's just us, but we think their humor shines through even stronger because their voices are so good! Let's face it, their humor would seem like a mistake if they couldn't sing, right?

Watch below to see the hilarity and singing unfold. Don't be afraid to sing along either! We know this song is a classic beloved by many so go for it!

Let us know in the comments which part you loved most:

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