These Two Strangers Were Asked To Pose In A Photograph Together - The Result Will Warm Your Heart

Sep 27, 2018

When strangers take pictures together, it sometimes results in the best images instead of trying to make sure you have the perfect pose with someone you already know.

Richard Renaldi is a photographer in New York City who strolls along the sidewalks to find people to take pictures of instead of trying to locate the ideal venue or make appointments for people to have their picture taken.

The results are often breathtaking because he likes to ask the people he finds to act like they already know each other.

The people Richard takes pictures of show signs of affection or other poses that give an indication that they have been friends or even that they are romantically involved. These people usually haven't seen each other, but New York is a large city, so anything is possible. When the photographs are revealed, viewers usually don't realize that the people in the picture don't know each other.

Richard tends to stand on street corners or in busy areas of the city to scout out his next subjects. After finding a few people who would be interesting to photograph, he asks those people if they will pose together. There are times that they say no, but in most situations, they are happy to oblige.

Richard finds a location to take the picture at or simply takes the picture where he finds his subjects. He tells them to count while posing in a way that makes them appear like they are friends. There are people who act like siblings, parents and children, or couples. Some of the images include servicemen and people wearing clothing with a flag design while other images are of a grandmother and a woman who looks like her granddaughter.

Make sure you pass this along to your friends and drop a comment to let us know what you think about Richards amazing project!