These Compassionate Bees Worked Together To Save Their Friend's Life

Sep 11, 2018

A beekeeper had found out that bees are truly compassionate after witnessing it first hand. Luckily, we all get to see this amazing behavior because the beekeeper captured this rare moment on video. 

A beekeeper had noticed that one of his bees had accidentally fallen into a honey extractor. The little bee's wings were completely saturated with honey, and the savvy beekeeper seemingly knew what to do.

He carefully picked it up and placed the tiny insect near its colony.

You will soon start to see how quickly the other busy bees joined forces to help their friend out of its sticky situation. A few of the bees from the apiary had removed all of the honey in less than an hour. Their buddy's wings became squeaky clean again, and it immediately began buzzing around to look for more work to do as if nothing happened.

In 2012, a prodigious team of international neuroscientists had gathered at the University of Cambridge, to reassess the neurobiological substrates of consciousness and related behaviors in humans and other species. On the Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness, the team of neuroscientists had concluded that humans alone are not the only ones to exhibit intentional behaviors.

Mammals, birds, insects and sea creatures are beings that can all display an array of emotions and possess neurological substrates that can actually generate consciousness.

Overall, the video of the compassionate bees coming to the rescue of their fallen is pretty cool. If any, provide your thoughts on what you believe these bees were doing if you have something else in mind. We still can't believe our eyes and hope that everyone gets a chance to see this amazing moment caught in action as well.