These 8 Body Parts Say A Lot About Our Inner Selves

Oct 31, 2018

Looks aren’t quite as deceiving as you might think. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could hand pick our aesthetic appearance - well, without paying a plastic surgeon?

Turns out that doing so may be misrepresenting your personality. Just as our DNA has enabled us to come with certain built-in personality traits, nature has given us our appearance based on our genetic DNA.

As demonstrated in this study, a simple look at various parts of your body can actually convey much about your inner traits, perception, and even future.

1. The Shape Of Your Nose

No two noses are exactly the same. However, there are shared general characteristics, such as length and shape, among noses. This 2013 study by the Journal of Craniofacial Surgery linked personality to the connective tissues and bone formation of the nose.

Fourteen types emerged amongst the 1,700 pictures analyzed, including:

• Long noses: 

If you have a longer nose, you’re likely highly ambitious and hardworking in your professional pursuits and place it above your personal life. You may also be a perfectionist.

• Shorter noses:

If your nose is on the shorter side, then you’re likely very astute to the feelings of others and pride yourself on being sensitive and loyal. You’d rather have a happy family life than a powerful career. Personal ambitions are your dominant focus.

• Pointy noses:

The study found that people with pointy noses handle finances very prudently and make great advisors.

• Nose clefts:

According to the study’s findings, those with nose clefts may have relationship commitment issues.

• Big nostrils:

If you have bigger nostrils, then you’re likely not a great saver and may like to spend money very freely.

• Small nostrils:

Those with smaller nostrils showed an ability for a strong family, relationship, and friendship commitments.

2. The Shape Of Your Face

The human face has been marveled and studied over for thousands of years. It’s complexities actually say a lot about your personal and social functioning. The National Academy of Sciences of the USA published “The functional basis of face evaluation, in which it was pointed out that a criminal’s facial structure can help determine the type of crime and that facial dimensions play a key role in trait judgment and trustworthiness.

Based on a study in the Plos One Journal face shapes are perceived as follows:

• Narrow faces:

Emotional intelligence, perceived friendliness, and humorous.

• Elongated faces:

High intelligence is assumed.

• Oval and Broader Faces:

Perceived to be lacking in intelligence and emotions, but yet still found to be highly prejudiced and successful. Perceived as untrustworthy and angrier.

3. The Color Of Your Eyes

It’s highly doubtful that the literary reference about the eyes being the windows to the soul was intended to be literal. Science, however, is putting some fact to this often romanticized notion.

In Sweden, for example, an Orebro University study looked at the eyes of hundreds of participants to see if their personality was reflected by eye patterns. The results linked both the structure of the eye and personality back to the same frontal lobe area of the brain.

Here’s what your eyes may be reflecting of your personify:

• Darker eyes:

Maybe more of an introvert and mysterious than lighter eyed people.

• Lighter eyes:

More social, adventurous, and outgoing than darker eyed people.

• Brown eyes:

You could be a natural leader with high intelligence. Very dark brown eyes may mean you’re more secretive, mysterious, and introverted.

• Blue eyes:

Light blue-eyed people with curvy irises may be more competitive and feed off of a deep inner strength. Darker blue-eyed people are typically emotionally sensitive with great physical strength.

4. The Shape Of Your Eyes

Looking into someone’s eyes can often be a telling sign of their emotions - anger, fear, joy, sadness. But, what does the eye shape say about their everyday personality? Chinese culture believes that the bone and skull structure forming the shape of the eyes say the following:

• Wide eyes:

Your personality is expressive, open and welcoming, and you tend to lead with your emotions.

• Narrow eyes:

You may be a people watcher. You like to study your surroundings and tend to be very skeptical, cautious, prudent, suspicious, and calculating.

• Big eyes:

You’re also an expressive personality. You may tend to be very open-minded, friendly, and approachable.

• Close-set eyes:

You like to stay focused and may get perturbed when people interrupt your thoughts. Your intensity may help you be very persistent in your actions.

• Small and wide-set eyes:

You’re likely a perfectionist and very introverted.

• Almond eyes:

You have a flair for the dramatics and are very romantic and passionate.

• Deep-set eyes:

It may take people a little longer to get to know you. You’re a mysterious enigma to many, but you like to stay very observant.

5. Your Lips

Did you know that, like your fingertips, everyone’s lips leave their own unique print? Author and face-reading expert Jean Haner sheds some light on what your pout may mean about your personality, behavior, and relationships:

• Thin lips:

You’re likely a loner with a competitive spirit. While you like recognition, you tend to prefer your solitude and peace over big hooplas. You may not be so comfortable in relationships with people that aren’t independent.

• Wide lips:

You’re likely always devotedly attending to and catering to those you love. Your nature is to be kind, outgoing, and generous.

• Full lips:

You’re likely very nurturing. If your mouth is larger and your lips are fuller, then Jean says this denotes you’re likely very helpful and generous. If your lips are full on a small mouth, however, you may be more selfish.

• Average lips:

This is a medium-sized lip that blends into your face without any exaggerated features. It may signal an appreciation for independence and affection and disdain for drama.

6. Your Cheekbones

In most people’s eyes, cheekbones make or break a face when it comes to overall attractiveness. This Science Direct research found that testosterone levels are linked to the structure of your cheekbones.

The study found that thick and wide cheekbones are found on those with high testosterone levels. So far as personality, this means that larger cheekbones may mean:

• Aggressiveness

• Violence

• Arrogance

• Intensity

• Status-striving lifestyle

7. Your Fingers

Fingers are also linked to testosterone levels. This study found that the length of your digits is symbolic of how much testosterone fetuses are exposed to in the womb.

Here’s what your digits may say about your personality:

• Index and ring finger are the same length:

Congruency and balance are your allies. You’re a good commutator and orator. 

Index finger is shorter than ring finger:

You’re likely a charmer and aren’t afraid to take professional and personal risks.

Index finger is longer than ring finger:

You’re often first in line and are a natural born leader of the pack.

8. Your Hands

According to the American Academy of Hand Analysis, hand structures are unique to each individual and almost never replicated.

You may be sensing a theme in your body parts by now. Many are unique in that no one else has quite the same as your own, but we all share commonalities based on our personalities being represented through how our external features are formed. So, what does your hand say about your personality?

• Closely positioned fingers:

Turn the palm of your dominant hand up to see if your fingers have less than a 0.5 cm gap between them. If so, you’re likely organized and cautious.

• Wide positioned fingers:

If the gap between your fingers is more than 0.5 cm, then you’re likely a nomadic personality that loves new things and exploring.

How did these findings apply to you and your friends? How much of your personality do you see in your physical features? Tell us all about it in the comment section, and always feel free to pass the info you learn here on to friends and family.