These 6 Phrases Are Used By Toxic People To Reduce Your Self-Esteem

Sep 28, 2018

Toxic people are everywhere and can be found in any degree. They are judgmental, manipulative, and inconsistent.

You may see them trying to make you prove or defend yourself to them, but you will never see them apologize or take responsibility for anything. It may be hard to identify them at first, but for anyone who hates negativity in

Here we have a countdown of phrases that, when used by any person, are an indicator that he or she is completely toxic.

6. "You are (insert any descriptive insult here)."

Of course, this seems like the most obvious one – but keep in mind that toxic people will find ways to use these phrases in sneaky ways, such as in a joke or a backhanded compliment.

Toxic people typically have streaks of narcissism a mile or so wide, and their passive-aggressive techniques of manipulation can fail, leading them to resort to good old-fashioned verbal abuse.

This type of people will resort to these phrases most typically out of desperation, bearing their ugly natural disposition, whether as a joke or indirectly.

Keep in mind that if a toxic person says that “You are stupid/worthless” or any other trait meant to make you feel insignificant, it is more than likely just this person directing their own feelings towards themselves outwards.

Remember it has nothing to do with you!

When you hear these phrases, just ignore the toxic person and walk away. It is rare that a person would ever use such an insult and somehow not be toxic, manipulative, or just hurtful in general, but combining the use of that phrase with other indicators of toxicity is a surefire sign that this person does not need to be in your life.

5. "I don’t want to be in a relationship with a person who….”

It actually doesn’t usually matter how this sentence is ended – it is just a manipulative tactic.

While it seems as though the speaker is presenting reason that he or she has thought of before, and hopefully is at least citing a negative behavior, it still doesn’t change the fact that this statement is an outright threat.

This ultimatum would never be said by a true friend or significant other (remember, relationships can be substituted for friendship, etc.).

This person uses empty threats to get something out of another person. Never subject yourself to this type of treatment, when the speaker is only projecting his or her own shortcomings to make you feel less valuable.

4. “You’re being insecure.”

This is a huge red flag! A toxic person is known for “projecting” what he or she secretly believes to be his or her own shortcomings, ones that they are desperately trying to keep hidden.

In short, they are projecting their own insecurities onto others.

They may not know other ways to express themselves, their insecurities, and their perceived shortfalls. While this may invoke some sympathy on your part, never let the blame game get you down!

When it comes down to it, this statement is simply disrespectful and dismissive of true problems that you may be dealing with.

3. “It’s All Your Fault”

Any derivative of this continued blame game is a surefire sign that the person you are dealing with is totally toxic.

Whether or not the situation at hand even is your fault does not matter, this person is simply seeking ammunition to bring you down to his or her level.

Don’t let it slide – friendships are about compromise and solution seeking because it is more important to move forward than to place blame in the past.

2. “You Have No Idea What You’re Talking About.”

This is never okay. Phrases like these indicate to the recipient that what they’re saying is completely invalid. This is especially wrong when these are directed towards opinions, which is typically the case.

This phrase, and others like it, allow the speaker to give off a false sense of superiority.

Often times, it also lets the person weasel their way out of an issue or some sort of trouble – attempting to do so shamelessly and with misdirection.

1. “You’re Just Being Dramatic.”

If you’re surprised that this one is at the top of the list, don’t be. Remember again that a toxic person is insecure, and projecting onto you.

This is another example, just like #2, where the person is manipulation another to believe that it is his or her fault, and that their opinion is useless.

The direct intent is to damage the self-esteem of the recipient, which a toxic person does with no remorse.

It’s so important to note these types of phrases, and steer clear of those who use them. This is especially true because, with truly toxic people, these quotes are just the start of their manipulation – so do yourself a favor, and surround yourself with better people, and positivity! 

Make sure you warn your friends and family about these toxic behaviors. We often are blinded by love and keep finding excuses for our toxic partners, so pass this article along to them to remind them of their self-worth.

Have you ever been in a relationship with a toxic person? Share your experiences with us by dropping a comment.