These 6 Mindful Rituals Will Help You Say Goodbye To 2018 & Say Hello To The New Year

Dec 14, 2018

Our society has an obsession with New Year's resolutions. There's something about one year drawing to a close and another beginning that makes us feel like we can be a new person, too. But I'm not convinced.

We decide we're going to lose weight. Gyms are at their fullest in January, and gradually empty to their usual numbers in February.

We decide we're going to have that clean house that every family dreams of. We keep it spotless for about a month, and then we decide to watch TV instead of tidying the kitchen one night, and in no time, everything is back to the way it always was.

We decide we're going to be healthy, but those green beans turn into fries before we even realize what happened.

So what are we doing wrong?

What so many people overlook going into the New Year is that you can't become a new person without letting go of the old you.

I think the New Year is a great time to break out of old habits and into new ones. In fact, I think you can become brand new anytime you want to, I just don't think New Year's resolutions are the first step on your journey to becoming the person you've always dreamed of being. 

So much has happened in 2018, and whether you realize it or not, you've been becoming a new version of yourself all along. If you want to direct this change in positive direction, it's vital that you reflect on the past year and the past version of yourself you want to say goodbye to before you can say hello to the new you in 2019. These 6 mindful rituals will help you do just that.

As these rituals push you to reflect in a way you never have before, it's important to remember that change happens outside your comfort zone. Don't be afraid to be honest with yourself as you think about the past and who you want to be in the future.

1. Be grateful.

As 2018 comes to a close, so many people are focused on the next year, on what they want or who they want to be. Before you start this exercise, take some time to reflect on everything you have in your life right now. Even if you're feeling down in the dumps, there are good things in your life, and focusing on those things will allow you to start this ritual in the most positive way possible.

2. Get rid of the clutter.

Do whatever you need to create a free, open, and comfortable space before you start this ritual. This could mean clearing a room, lighting some candles, and setting the mood. This could also mean going through your closet and throwing out anything that you feel could be holding you back. Clothes you haven't worn, old papers you don't need anymore, books you'll never read. 

Be realistic with yourself. We all have many fantasy versions of who we are - the outdoorsy person, the glam party girl, the girl who goes to yoga every day. And yes, maybe you are all three of those things! But more than likely, you've had that tent sitting in the back of your closet because you're terrified of bugs, or those heels really hurt and you'd never actually wear them out, or your yoga mat is collecting dust because you never find the time. 

So decide which of your belongings really, truly fits who you are and who you want to be, and get rid of the rest. Keep in mind that nothing is ever permanent - if you ever are in a place where you have time to do yoga and camp, you can get a new yoga mat and a new tent, but right now, those things are just holding you back.

3. Meditate, even if only for a few minutes.

Start slow. Meditate for 5 to 10 minutes a day, then increase that time slowly. The most important thing is not to aim too high, you'll be more likely to give up if you feel like you can't succeed.

Begin by breathing deeply and slowly. Be mindful of the sounds around you and the thoughts inside you. Focus on your breath. It should be flowing naturally. Empty your mind and begin reflecting on what happened in 2018 and the three questions listed below.

4. Reflect on three questions.

Get it all out. As you consider the most major events of the year, the setbacks that hurt the most, the walls you thought you might not make it over, ask yourself these questions:

You'll be surprised what you can learn from yourself. Your mind keeps its own secrets. By asking it questions, you will see things more clearly.

This takes time to master. However, these mindful rituals will transport you to a more peaceful, happy, and grounded place - a place where you can finally succeed in your New Year's resolutions.

3. Adopt a mantra.

After you have released those thoughts and emotions, try releasing the hold that 2018 and your past self has on you. You can do this by accepting everything that happened. This includes events that made you feel sad or angry. Let them go.

By practicing acceptance, you bring yourself into the present moment. This is extremely powerful. Afterward, try creating your own mantra. Repeat it to yourself several times. It can be anything, but it should help you let go of the negative thoughts from 2018. As a result, positive ones will take their place.

Here are some great examples of mantras you could use:

"I can let go of the past."

"I am who I choose to be."

"My past does not control my future."

How you speak to yourself makes a difference. If you choose to treat yourself kindly, your life will change for the better.

4. Write it down.

You might be able to find closure and say goodbye to 2018 with only the above steps, but in the same way that it's more beneficial to take written notes than notes on a laptop, physically scribbling down your reflections on paper will help you let go of your past year in a more concrete way.

Do this in a more comprehensive way than you did while meditating: month by month. Write down significant events, reflect on them. Find out what you learned and what you're grateful for because those things are vital as you move forward.

6. Make your New Year's resolutions.

Once you've found closure in 2018, you're ready to turn your head away from the past, but don't make the mistake of turning it immediately towards the future. Instead, focus on the present. Take some time every day to continue these mindful rituals - keep your home clutter-free, declutter your mind through meditation.

When you do feel ready to make your New Year's resolutions, make sure you're making them based on the person you are now. "I will run three times a week," instead of, "I will lose weight." Or "I will wake up at 6 am every day this week," instead of "I will be a morning person."

Take time at the end of every day to celebrate your successes and let go of your failures - your journey to who you want to be is a huge undertaking, and you should treat yourself with kindness along the way.

Did this inspire you? Which of these rituals are you most excited to try at the end of the year? Let us know in the comments! Don't forget to pass this along to your friends and family so they can ring in the new year with a clear head, too.