These 12 Parenting Hacks Will Make Your Children Fall In Love With Studying

Oct 19, 2018

It's been proven that games are a great educational tool that will help kids remember what they have learned. The term "gamification" means to introduce the elements of a game with the educational process in order to make learning more efficient. This helps children learn in a fun and exciting way. You'll only need a few, simple tools and an imagination.

Here is a list of 12 things you can try.

1) Transform Numbers

If your little one is struggling to remember numbers, this may be perfect for them. First ,you will write the number as normal on a sheet of paper. Next, turn that number into an interesting animal or object. Some ideas would be turning a number into an animal, bird, or even a flower.

2) Story Time

This is a great method for learning new words or working on words that your child may not know well. You 'll only need something to write with, some paper, and your imagination. Sit down and write a story together. Try to be creative and funny. You could start with an opening line such as "Deep in the forrest, on a cloudy day", add in some characters, then let your child choose what happens next. You can even draw some pictures to go along with the story.

3) Puppet Theatre

This is a another great way to increase your child's vocabulary. The items you'll need for this project are fabric, cardboard box, puppets and some objects that you want your kids to learn about. Here is a great video that tells you how to create sock puppets.

Click here to see the video.

4) Kitchen Science

Some children really struggle with chemistry. It's a hard subject to make fun. Turning your kitchen in a science lab is sure to get your child's attention. You can try experiments that will enlighten your child into the laws of chemistry. For example, try using some water, salt, and a pencil for an experiment. This will teach them about crystals and how they form and grow.

5) Sound Hunt

If you need something to help with phonetics, this project is one to try. Let your child use a phone for photo purposes or a camera. Show them objects and ask them to take a photo. Have them tell you what sound is represented with that object. You can start at A and go to Z or even just start with objects and have your child identify the sound from the object. This is a great way to explore while learning too.

6) Mathematical Baking

Making cookies is one way to teach counting and fractions. Make some cookies but have them in the shapes of circles or squares. You will want them easy to cut into sections. You can show fractions by halving a cookie, then cutting into fourths, then into eighths. You can also use the cookie pieces to show them how to add or subject fractions. There couldn't be a sweeter way to learn about math!

7) Market Math

Going to the grocery store is also a great learning opportunity. You can make a list before heading out. Ask your child to guess what each item will cost. When checking out, let your child see the difference in what the actual cost was, compared to the estimated cost. As a bonus, you can also show your child how to weigh items.

8) Educational Routines

While doing the same thing every day can get boring, you can help move things along and bring fun and education into it at the same time. You could ask your child to count their numbers as they are getting dressed. Or, could also ask them to count the number of tiles on the floor as they are walking to the front door. Another great idea would be identifying colors of items they are packing up before heading out the door.

9) Educational Chores

Get your child involved with the laundry! Show them how to sort by colors, sizes, types, and who they belong to. You can also have them count items as you are putting them into the dryer.

10) Writing Tentígur Már Karlsson /Heimsmyndir

If a child has a special place defined for writing, they are more than likely going to use it. Make it very inviting for them. You can use colorful sheets and blankets for their writing tent. Also put some pillows in it. Have your child come into the tent with you and write a story. This will inspire your child to write. Having this special place allows them to think and write when they want to.

11) Musical Maracas

For your DIY egg maracas, you will need plastic eggs, some rice, and plastic teaspoons. You will see your child light up when they begin to play. This will help your child develop rhythm while having fun at the same time.

12) Learning and Identify

When you are outside, ask your child to find objects that vary in textures. Some things you could ask them to find would be stones, leaves, flowers, or even blades of grass. Ask your child to look at the object and describe it to you. You could ask what it's shaped like, if it makes noise, and what the color is. Ask them if they have any kind of feeling when they touch the object. This will engage every one of their senses and can also improve on verbal skills.

BONUS Demidenko

Being able to remember things is a very important skill for success. Games like puzzles and tongue twisters will help them tremendously. Eating a balanced diet is something that is vital for a great memory as well.

Do you think you will try some of these ideas with your children? Are you already implementing some of them in your life now? Do you know a friend that could benefit from seeing this list? Maybe you have a friend that is a teacher that you know would love this list.