These 10 Strange Things Happen To Your Body During A Flight

Aug 15, 2018

Summer is a time for rest, relaxation, and vacations. Many people will be traveling during these hot months. A lot of people take planes;however, some are wary of this transportation method. Airplanes are actually relatively safe when compared to other methods of getting around. This doesn't mean there aren't any dangerous to traveling by air. You can find a few of the side-effects of airplane travel below.

Swelling In The Legs

During flights, especially long ones, swelling can occur in the legs. To avoid swelling in the legs during an airplane flight you should remember to constantly stretch your legs. Even get up and go to the bathroom more than you have to.

Your Taste Will Change

Studies discovered that your taste preferences will be different while 30,000 feet in the air. It isn't uncommon for people who prefer sweet-loving taste buds to crave something bitter during a flight. Or it could be just an excuse to explain why airplane food is so bad. Who knows?

Your Breath Might Start To Stink

The body produces less saliva when it is dehydrated. Saliva is actually important to keeping the breath fresh. The mouth produces less saliva during a flight, meaning you will suffer from bad breath. Remedy this by carrying some gum with you on a plane.

Skin Problems

This one is also attributed to dehydration. The skin can become flaking and infested with acne after, or during a flight. This can be remedied by simply using some moisturizer on the plane.

Head Aches And Dizziness

This one is a common one. Motion sickness is a very real issue, and it can manifest on an airplane. The best way to avoid having motion sickness on a plane is by taking some Benedryl or other motion sickness medication.

Bathroom Troubles

Constipation and flatulence can both manifest during a flight. Sitting for so long on a plane can slow down the metabolism, causing unexpected problems. You can avoid this by cutting the calories before a flight.

Hearing Problems

Almost everyone has had their ears pop when they travel to higher elevation areas. This is due to changes in the pressure in the air. Airplanes are no exception. When you are that high in the air, expect your ears to pop. Some people believe chewing gum can stop the ears from popping.

Sudden Toothache

Pain in the teeth and gums can occur while on a flight. This, like the ear problems, is caused by difference in the air pressure. Air actually gets trapped in small orifices in the teeth, putting pressure on your teeth from the inside out.

Increased Bacteria

Bowel bacteria is rampant on airplanes. Stick to bottled water to avoid consuming these dangerous bacteria. Definitely do not let your food touch any service on the plane.

Increased Nervousness

Even if you don't have a fear of flying, you may experience increased nervousness while flying. This type of nervousness can happen anytime you are not in control of your own safety.

Flying doesn't have to be a stressful experiences. There are things you can do to prevent most of the things on this list, so prepare ahead of time. Don't let flying get you down. Be sure to tell everyone about what you've learned here. You can even show them the article.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!