These 10 Moves Will Give You A Toned Butt Even Faster Than Squats Can

Dec 05, 2018

Everyone is trying to build a stronger, more toned butt these days. However, not many people enjoy doing squat routines every week. Fortunately, there are some alternatives. Here are 10 easy moves that tone your butt that far better than squats anyways.

1. Single Leg Deadlift

Start in a standing position with a weight in each hand. You can use dumbbells or kettlebells for this movement. Allow the weight of the dumbbells to pull your torso towards the floor. Make sure to bend at the hips, and keep your back perfectly straight. During this motion, kick your right leg back to maintain balance. Your torso should be in a perfect line with your right leg. Return to the beginning position, and repeat the same motion with the other leg.

2. Fire Hydrant

This exercise mimics the act of a dog using the restroom on a fire hydrant. Start in a table position with both knees and hands on the floor. Place a resistance band over each of your thighs or ankles. Add more resistance in order to make this movement more difficult. Slowly raise your right knee off of the ground, and swing it out to the side. Slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the same motion with your left leg. Perform as many repetitions as possible.

3. The Bridge Up

Start this movement in a lying position on the floor facing the ceiling. Keep your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. By pushing your back and feet into the floor, slowly raise your butt off of the ground. Raise your stomach towards the ceiling until your torso is in a straight line. Pause for a moment at the top of this movement, and return to the starting position. Repeat this movement as many times as possible.

4. Crescent Lunge

This exercise is great for your thighs and back. Start in a standing position, and take a large step forward with your right leg. Allow both knees to bend slightly, and raise both hands towards the ceiling. Allow your back to slightly arc into a crescent shape, and feel the stretch along your spine. Hold this position for a few seconds, and slowly stretch more and more. Repeat this same motion with your other leg.

5. Utkatasana (Awkward Pose)

Despite the weird name, this exercise is great for loosening up the hips and creating some strength in the thighs. Start this movement in a standing position with feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your feet flat on the ground, and sink into a squatting position. Instead of keeping your back perpendicular with the floor, allow your torso to hang over your knees. Keep your arms extend above your head at an angle.

Hold this position for five seconds and return to the standing position.

6. Curtsy Kick

This exercise is a fancy variation of the squat. Start this movement in a standing position with a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle. Step slightly backward with your right leg behind your left leg. Bend both of your knees, and make sure that your knee doesn't touch the floor.

It is important to keep your hips parallel with the floor throughout this movement. Repeat this same motion on the other side of your body.

7. The Tiger Stretch

Start this exercise by placing your knees and hands on the floor. Keep your elbows fully extended and sturdy. Bend your right knee and try to touch it with your nose. Get as close as possible if you cannot fully reach. Next, hick your right leg back as high as possible. This will help work your hips and back.

Hold this position for a few seconds. You can also use your hand for support during the pause. Return to the starting position, and repeat this movement without a pause. Perform five reps for each leg.

8. The Bridge Up with Leg Extension

This exercise is a slight derivative of the bridge up exercise. Begin this movement while lying in a face-up position on the floor. Bend your knees, and keep your feet flat on the ground. Place your palms flat on the floor on either side of your body. Raise your right leg in the air until it is perpendicular with the floor.

Perform the bridge up motion while keeping your leg extended. Pause for a moment at the top, and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat this same movement with your other leg. Perform as many repetitions as possible.

9. Malasana (Deep Squat)

This exercise is perfect for increasing range of motion within the hips. Start in a standing position with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Place each foot at a slightly outward angle, so they are not perfectly parallel. Allow your bottom to sink towards the floor while keeping your gaze straight. Keep your back straight, and continue until you're in a deep squat. Pause for a second, and return to the starting position.

10. Single Leg Squat

Start this movement by sitting on a chair, couch or other raised surface. Slowly stand up from the sitting position while keeping your right foot on the floor. Allow your bodyweight to be held by your right leg. Stand up completely, and make sure that your let leg doesn't touch the ground. Pause for a second at the top, and return to the starting position.

Repeat this same movement with your other leg. Perform as many repetitions as possible.

What do you think of these exercises? Do they beat squats? Let us know in the comments! Do you have a friend who's obsessed with squats? Send them this article to see what they think!

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