The Ways Sugar Could Hurt Your Health And How You Can Prevent It

Nov 08, 2018

It has been found that sugar isn't that dangerous for our health after all. A small amount of sugar is needed to make our bodies function the way that they should. The problem is that must of us eat entirely too much. High amounts of sugar are found in soda, ice cream, cookies, cake, and other treats that we feel we must have.

As a result and problem, we gain weight, have acne, get wrinkles earlier than we should, and the worst part is that some people even develop serious health problems.

If you really want to cut your sugar, we can help. Let's first learn about three myths that you have heard that simply aren't true.

1. Sugar causes diabetes Eating sugar doesn’t lead to diabetes. Diabetes is either genetically inherited or is caused by pancreas issues. Claiming that sugar alone is the reason for this health issue is completely false. A person can safely eat 12 spoonfuls of sugar daily with no negative consequences.

2. Sugar is addictive This is a very popular belief. Some people believe that sugar is more addictive than cocaine. This is absurd. Scientist have found that if a person stops consuming sugar, they will not have withdrawal symptoms as a drug addict would. Of note, people can't live their whole life without sugar. Ingesting carbs is necessary to live.

3. Stop eating sugar to stay young Eating too much sugar can definitely cause issues with your skin. It can cause breakdown in the collagen molecules which will make the skin have less elastic. However, stopping sugar intake completely will result in dry skin. It is really important to just listen to your body. You should know when you have hit your maximum intake of sugar.

The reason to cut down sugar is important.

Some people will need to cut down on eating sugar for various reasons. Of course, if you have diabetes or any health issue that has to do with insulin production, you should limit your sugar intake. Here are some other reasons for controlling your sugar.

Issues with conceiving a baby: Harvard University has found that foods with a high sugar count will reduce the quality of the eggs that are produced. This in turn reduces the chances of conceiving.

Pregnancy: It has been proven in studies that moms who ate more sugar during their pregnancy have a higher risk of developing allergic asthma.

Potency problems: Higher levels of glucose in the blood will reduce the production of testosterone.

Clear concentration: If there is a large amount of sugar in the blood, this can result in permanent brain damage. This has been reported by UCLA.

Feeling thirsty frequently: Feeling the need for and drinking more often is one of the signs of the rise of blood sugar.

Dry itchy skin: If your blood sugar is high, this can cause your skin to be dry and itchy.

Here are some things you can do to change your sugar intake.

1. Happiness

Ingesting foods high in sugar stimulates the production of endorphins. These are the hormones that cause happiness. You can create happiness through other activities such as going to the gym. Don't just take away your sweets without replacing it with something else. The replacement will help you not miss the sugar so much. Chances are you will forget all about those sweets in no time.

2. Protein

You need to eat more protein. Protein makes you feel full faster than carbs. It will also keep you feeling fuller for a longer period of time. Some great protein choices are fish, meat, and peanut butter. Try eating a good protein in the morning to start your day.

3. Replacements

Finding something to replace sugar with may seem like a difficult task but it isn't too hard to accomplish. Try using cinnamon or another bold spice. Cinnamon will also help you regulate your blood sugar level.

4. Stay Calm Wiklik

Stress often leads to overeating or simply eating foods that are high in sugar. Magnesium, serotonin, and Vitamin B can help keep your stress levels in check. If you start to feel stressed often, you should see a doctor. He can explain to you which supplements would suit you the best.

Legumes and beans are made up of a lot of natural magnesium. This is especially true in peanuts and soy. Vitamin B can be found in hazelnuts, pine nuts, and other nuts. It is also found in cow's liver and seafood.

5. Add Red Fish To Your Diet

The lack of chromium in your body can cause you to feel the need to eat chocolate. The next time you are craving chocolate, try eating something that contains chromium like broccoli or redfish.

Do you think you can incorporate these suggestions into your life? Maybe you have a family member that needs to know this information as well - show this to them and let us know what you think in the comments!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!