The Victoria Crowned Pigeon Is Largest, Most Lavish-Looking Pigeon On This Planet

May 23, 2020

While pigeons may not have the best reputation in many parts of the world, there are certain breeds of these birds that stand out from the others. One of these is the Victoria crowned pigeon, a bird that is arguably one of the most beautiful species on the planet.

The Victoria crowned pigeon, or Goura victoria, is native to Papua New Guinea, an island in the South Pacific. Their head crests look like layers of blue-gray lace which is complemented by the almost equally as spectacular and elegant plumage covering the rest of their body.

While these birds may be absolutely beautiful, they are also relatively rare. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has included it on its list of near-threatened species. It is because of this that it is important that we try to protect them from threats including the destruction of their native rainforest environments. In fact, protecting the environments of rare species is one of the most important things that we can do as people to ensure the diversity of our wildlife now and in the future.

Pigeons are one of the most common types of birds in urban areas and the fact that these birds reside in the rain forest makes them even more unique and interesting. Along with being beautiful, they also happen to be large compared to other pigeon species. The Victoria crowned pigeon has been known to sometimes weigh over 7 pounds while measuring more than 30 inches, reports Edinburgh Zoo.

The striking crest that these birds are known for is unmistakable even though there are two other species of "crowned" pigeons in the world which are also found in Papua New Guinea natively. Their headdress is the most elaborate out of these three species and it is this feature that helps the white-tipped males attract their mates.

The feathers covering the breasts of these amazing creatures can vary in color from deep purple to maroon. Even though the colors of the females of this species may not be as bright as their male counterparts, the crest of feathers surrounding their heads are equally as intricate and eye-catching.

To attract a female, feathered friend, the males of the species show the females their intricate crests while performing an intricate dance. Once the male has been accepted for mating, he then presents her with sticks and other presents for their future family's nest. Unfortunately, they usually only lay one egg per season which makes it hard to maintain the population.

While the destruction of the native rainforests of these creatures is one of the factors that is threatening the Victorian crowned pigeon, they are also in danger from humans looking to exploit them. The beautiful appearance of these birds makes them a target for both poachers looking for trophies and animal traders wanting to sell them to be kept in captivity as exotic specimens.

The amount of fruit that these birds must eat to maintain their impressive size is considerable and they are finding it more difficult to find food as the rainforest is cut down for farming or timber. According to Bristol Zoo, this has led to the death of many of these crowned creatures.

While the Victoria crowned pigeon may be beautiful, they are also in need of protection. Their unique appearance makes them a treasure of nature. If action isn't taken now, these amazing birds may be heading the way of the dodo.

What are you doing to protect the environment and its inhabitants? Maybe the Victoria crowned will change you or someone else's opinion about pigeons!