The Twelve-Hour Rule: Losing Weight Is This Easy

Mar 11, 2019

According to the newest studies, it's not so much about what you eat as when you eat it. Here we will explain how you can easily lose weight using this twelve-hour rule. Is this twelve-hour rule the newest wonder diet? The scientist Dr. Satchin Panda and his team researched this method of losing weight, also called "intermittent fasting", by using mice.

The Study's Process

400 mice were fed over the course of twelve hours five days a week before fasting the same amount of hours. Previously overweight mice lost weight easily and efficiently. The study hasn't been repeated with humans yet but the rising number of fasting people suggests this method is quite successful.

This Is How The Twelve-Hour Rule Works

The twelve-hour rule especially fits people who don't like to eat breakfast or simply don't feel very hungry in the morning or people who like to have their last meal of the day early in the evening. And everything else is easy: Just eat what you want! But don't overdo it, of course.

You should take care that your first and your last meal of the day happen between twelve hours. If that's to easy for you, you can extend the fasting time. The background of this diet is simple: Our ancestors couldn't, as we can today, just grab a bite any time of the day, as they were hunters and gatherers. Most of the time they had to fast, whether they wanted to or not, until they found another source of food.

According to the researchers, twelve-hour fasting should have a positive effect on our health. So this diet isn't just a good way to lose weight but also a good way to stay fit and healthy.

Fasting Successfully

Before you start, you should plan during which time period you want to fast and during which you want to eat. If you like eating breakfast around 7 am, your last meal of the day should be around 7 pm.

During this period when you can eat, you should still make sure to eat a healthy, balanced diet. Of course, you can eat whatever you want, but try to pay attention to when you're hungry: Only eat when you actually do feel hunger. Otherwise, you could end up eating too much. You will have trouble sticking to the timetable during the first days but this will change quickly.

You can fight hunger pains by eating vegetable broth or drinking some warm tea. After a few days, your body will get used to the new eating rhythm and following the twelve-hour rule will be easier for you.

Fasting And Exercise

You ask yourself if you can do exercise while fasting? Of course! The more you fast, the more you will notice that you can actually do the most work while you're fasting. Your body has more energy as it's not constantly bogged down with processing food.

Who Shouldn't Fast?

If you are ill or be pregnant, intermittent fasting is not the right diet for you. It's also not a good thing for children. If you aren't sure if you can fast, you should talk to your doctor about whether you are bodily able to follow this diet.

You are fasting and suddenly have to deal with headaches and tiredness, experience a bloated stomach or something even worse? Then stop fasting and get back to your usual diet.

Would you like to try the twelve-hour rule now? Let us know and send this article to those who don't yet know about this way of dieting.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge but cannot replace a visit with your doctor health professional in any way. We care about your health!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!