The Top 10 Regrets People Have When They're Dying

Jul 23, 2018

We often live our lives with no thought given to our deaths. We believe that we will have many years to live and accomplish our dreams. We deny what is going to happen, and we take a gamble that we will all have lots of times to do everything we want to do.

We want you to realize that it is important to always follow your dreams and aspirations NOW, before it is too late. Read on for the 10 common regrets people have had when they came to the end of their life.

1. They Wished They Lived For Themselves More

Many patients of Bronnie Ware, a nurse from Australia, confessed that they never got to live even half of their dreams before they died. She says they wished they had lived the way they wanted to, not the way others thought that they should. Don’t wait for anyone’s permission before doing what you want- just DO it!

2. They Wished Work Wasn’t Always First

This regret was one of the big ones. While it is important to make enough money to pay the bills and have security, what exactly happens when you are dying? All that time spent working to pad your bank account seems meaningless. When you are near death, the memories you made with family and friends are what will be important, not your material possessions.

3. They Wished They Expressed Themselves More

Many dying men and women say that they often repressed their feelings so as not to rock the boat. But this only leads to bitterness and resentfulness. Even if it makes you physically shake to do it, speak your truth. Never hold back the feelings you have deep inside of you. 

4. They Wished They Stayed in Touch With Loved Ones

It’s easy to let life get in the way of friendships. While you are still alive, try to get in touch with friends you haven’t spoken to in forever, via phone, Facebook, text, or anything else. If you don’t do it now, you will regret it later on when you realize it is too late.

5. They Wished They Were Happier

Outside forces can really get us down more often than not. But the key to being happy lies within us. We have to choose how we react when bad things happen. Unhappiness can cause issues later on, even serious illnesses. To lead a better, happier life, start to change your view on the issues around you.

6. They Wished They Didn’t Care What Others Thought

Why should we worry or care about what others think of us? Chances are, they don’t care about what you are doing as much as you think they do anyway! Stop worrying so much about what other people think of you and your decisions. Live the way you want to with no regrets!

7. They Wished They Worried Less

We ALL spend way too much time worrying about things that we usually can’t even control. Have you let it take over your life? Are you letting worry and burden get you down every day? You have to let it go and live your life. At the end of your life, all that worrying will seem silly and unnecessary to you. And it will be.

8. They Wished They Took Better Care Of Themselves

Our health is our own. Only we can do something about it! Don’t abuse your mind and body when you can’t get another one. You don’t want to end up sick because of what you did or didn’t do for your health. Take care of yourself and enjoy the body you were given to the fullest.

9. They Wished They Didn’t Take Life For Granted

Many of us end up taking the things around us for granted. We don’t realize we are breathing clean, fresh air and drinking pure water. We may not all have everything that we want, but it is important to be grateful for the things we do have in life!

10. They Wished They Lived In The Present

Many dying folks have stated that they spent too much time reminiscing about the past or worrying about the future. They realized that they should have been living in the moment at all times. You are always experiencing new moments! Take the time to see the day for what it is- a miracle.

Don’t wait until it is too late. Heed these 10 tips and live your best life today! And be sure to pass this along to your loved ones. They need to hear the news, too!