The Reason This Wrestler Let Young Boy with Disability Win Match Will Warm Your Heart

Jan 21, 2019

The nation proudly watched two high school wrestlers in Pennsylvania who taught us everyone can play a role on a team.

Dillion Keane is a popular wrestler on the team at Bradford High School. Keane recently took part in a match against 17-year-old teammate Jacob Meister. Keane allowed his teammate to win the match.

Meister suffers from cerebral palsy but this fact has not stopped him from becoming a dedicated member of the wrestling team. Meister also suffers from both autism and mutism but never fails to appear at practice or competitions. He is always decked out in his t-Shirt representing Bradford Wrestling.

Keane noticed how much Meister enjoyed competing against teammates in practice and thought it would be great for him to experience a match in front of a crowd. Keane says he talked about a possible match with Meister with his mom quite some time ago. The high school wrestler says he is happy it finally happened

The day of the match was January 3. Once the regularly scheduled contests were completed, it was time for Meister to make his debut in front of the crowd.

The matchup between Keane and Meister was announced to the crowd. Moments later, the two combatants took to the mat.

Both wrestlers were excited at the start of the match. Keane struggled with the skill and aggression of Meister. The two rolled on the mat for a while, each trying to gain an advantageous position. Finally, Meister pinned his teammate for the win.

The crowd was in a frenzy. Everyone watching chanted Meister's name as the referee raised his hand in victory.

Brooke McGriff is Keane's girlfriend. She captured the moment on a video she shared with the world through social media.

Meister's mother was in the crowd. Mary Jo Corignani said she could not help the tears she shed while watching her son live his dream. She said seeing her son on the mat fulfilled a dream for her as well

Mary Jo explains she was told her son would never walk when he was only three years of age. She said she would not have believed at that time she would see him take part in a wrestling match.

Mary Jo also mentioned the gratitude she has for the wrestlers on the team who have shown her son nothing but love and support. She says the event was not about watching a disabled teen. It was about teammates supporting each other. The gracious mother ended by saying her son has never allowed his disability to define his existence. She says she is happy to know his teammates feel the same way.

Your Thoughts

What did you think about the match between Meister and Keane? Did you cheer while watching the video? Send the article and video to others. It will brighten their day.