The Real Aftermath Of Dating A Narcissist

Jan 29, 2019

Many people are unaware of just how adept narcissists are at disguising themselves. In many cases, a woman dating a narcissist will not be aware of his personality defect until it is much too late. The lesson usually reveals itself once she finds herself broken and alone with the task of putting herself back together. The healing stage can sometimes take years following this type of devastation.

The self-worth of a girl who dates a narcissist is in serious jeopardy. She is at the risk of finding herself completely lost. And if there is any self-esteem remaining once he finally walks out of her life, it will be extremely low. Her dignity will be gone along with the value she possessed for herself before dating a monster.

The long-term consequences of dating a monster will be easily seen by others despite her best efforts to hide the scars. Everything about her from her eyes to the way she will recoil with the approach of each new individual will display the fear and vulnerability that is her new reality.

The smile of a girl who has dated a narcissist will be hollow. She does not smile because she is happy. It is only a necessary social function that she learns to perform when necessary. She no longer knows what happiness feels like but smiles so that those who love her are not forced to worry about her. Her fate is a heavy price to pay for allowing a narcissist to enter her world.

The girl who dated a narcissist will not be fond of conversation regarding the matter. She will avoid most people and develop a busy schedule to act as a buffer between herself and anyone who may question her about the failed relationship. She will work long and hard in an attempt to never think on the hell her life became at the hand of her narcissist.

Anxiety and depression will likely become the best friends of a girl who dates a narcissist. These traits may not be natural to her but dating a narcissist comes with consequences. It will take a little time following the involvement with a monster before the anger and depression subside.

The recovery for a girl who dated a narcissist will not be simple. The process is one that will be long and hard. The healing process will be made more miserable by the many people who will wonder why she can't just get over it. The people that care the most will patiently wait for her to completely heal.

These true friends will play an integral role in her recovery because she could never overcome the pain she has experienced alone.

The girl who dated a narcissist may forget there are good human beings in the world. If you have never felt this way, do not be critical of her. You should instead be grateful you have not had her experiences. Her fault was falling for the wrong man.

The mistake cost her many things, including a piece of herself. And now it is difficult for her to process the thought good people still exist. She is blind to this fact because the pain of her past paints the face of her tormentor over the face of each new person she encounters.

The woman who dates a narcissist will need to recover from much more than a failed love affair. She needs to recover from a past of mental and spiritual warfare. She will need more time to heal than you think is necessary. Do not be impatient with her. Your impatience will only delay the process. You do know she wants to be just as happy as the day before she met the monster, right? Of course, this is what she wants but she does not know how.

The girl who dated a narcissist will need to be constantly reassured by the people around her. She no longer knows how not to anticipate failure and disappointment. She will need someone to tell her the nightmare has ended. Someone needs to tell her all will be well over and over again until she starts to believe it. She needs to know that she does not have to worry and that the people around her have her back.

The journey to regaining trust in people will be a difficult one. Her past experiences scream loudly in her ear not to trust a soul. The person she thought she could trust fully betrayed her in the most devastating ways possible. She will doubt the intentions of anyone who attempts to enter her life. And all acts of kindness will be scrutinized with complete suspicion. She will want to entertain human kindness but the voice in the back of her head will tell her it is a mistake she will pay for later.

The woman who dated a narcissist will need some time before getting back in the dating scene. Love and thoughts of love are uncomfortable for her. She thought she knew love once and she has nothing but painful memories to remind her of the experience. She became a prisoner to a narcissist. She will be much more reserved with her feelings in the future.

The woman who dated a narcissist will be compelled to constantly apologize. She will do so even when she has done nothing wrong. She will be prone to say I am sorry for the most minute reasons and it will be some time before she shakes this urge. Dolmatov

Her feelings will be all over the place. There will be times when she is guarded and wants to be alone. Other times, she will need you to give her constant reassurance that all will be well in her world. She will need quite a bit of time to push through the pain and the process will not be easy.

Have you ever felt the devastation of a girl who dated a narcissist? Did it take you a while to heal from this devastation? Send this article to your friends. It will help them remember there is a light at the end of every tunnel.