The Queen Suffers A Mouse Infestation At Buckingham Palace As Health Inspectors Find Droppings At Palace Cafe For Visitors

Nov 13, 2019

A cafe located in Buckingham Palace was recently discovered to have a mouse infestation after a health inspector discovered the animal's droppings. The cafe is said to be one of the closest places visitors can get to Queen Elizabeth. 

According to The Mirror, visitors pay up to £49 or $62 to visit rooms at Buckingham Palace. The posh cafe serves food like smoked salmon along with delectable pastries that can be paired with tea and scones. A source told the publication, “It’s a huge treat – the closest most people can get to Her Majesty. So this is embarrassing,”

Mouse droppings were found under a sink and by a dishwasher, the inspectors told The Mirror the Cafe needed “immediate and ongoing” attention. Westminister Council Director of Public Protection, Sara Sutton, said of the location, 

“I was informed this area was not easy to clean as staff were unable to mop due to a large electrical generator stored here. I believe there should be bespoke pest control procedures for the premises taking into account the limitations. I would encourage you to continue to work with your pest-control contractor to ensure the premises remain pest-free.”

A spokesperson for the cafe told the British tabloid that they now have "adhered to the guidelines in the report to reduce and control the risk of pests." 

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