The 'New' Superfood That Has Been Around All Along

Jun 20, 2018

It is easy to believe people when they say the next best superfood comes in a jar, pill, or shot. Picture this, one day you are browsing for meal recipes online when you come across an advertisement for a "new" superfood recipe. You decide to drive over to your local grocery store and run up and down aisles collecting all the ingredients listed on the recipe. Several dollars spent and many hours later the superfood "discovery" has been consumed. It won't be long before you have to return to the store for the next favorite superfood.

There must be a more natural way to get a superfood into your system, right? Why waste your time running up and down aisles collecting ingredients when all you need comes in one simple package at your local supermarket?

Oats and avocados have done wonders for the human body for decades. Both offer plenty of nutrients, but you may be wondering: is one food choice better than the other? Are there any drawbacks to consuming oats and avocados? We have created a list of pros and cons for both oats and avocados.

Pros of Oats

  1. They are cheap and applicable for all A small box of oats will cost you ~$3 and will last several weeks in your kitchen pantry. Pure oats are gluten-free, which makes them safe to eat by anyone. 
  2. Extended shelf life Oats can last on the shelf for several months, if not years, as long as the box is sealed correctly. You can buy several boxes of oats and never have to worry about checking the expiration date. 
  3. Oats can be consumed at any time of the day If you only ever eat oats for breakfast, you are missing out.

Oats can be eaten with any meal. They can be topped with yogurt and fruit or baked into pancakes or bread. Also, they make an excellent smoothie topping. And that's just food! Oats provide health benefits as well. They can be used to hydrate the skin. If you buy a package of oats, you get two benefits from one food item.

Cons of oats

  1. Too many options There are several different brands of oats, which can be confusing to customers trying this superfood for the first time. There are rolled oats, steel-cut oats, and instant oats. If your budget allows, you should try the purest of them all, the steel-cut oats (organic). 
  2. Unappealing look Oats are not the most exciting superfood. They are small, dull-looking, and occasionally rough. They may not look pretty on an Instagram feed, but they work wonders for the human body.

Pros of Avocados

  1. There are healthy Avocados have a high fat content when compared to other fruits, but it monounsaturated fat - the good kind of fat that your body needs to stay healthy. The avocado is an excellent superfood for people on a low cholesterol diet.
  2. It has multiple uses Avocados can be combined with sweet and sour meals. Perhaps its most famous use is guacamole, but it can also act as a healthy alternative for butter on cakes.

If you enjoyed these superfood suggestions, consider sending this article to your friends and family! Avocados and oats may be the superfood they have been needing in their diet.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!