The Magical Moment When A Pod Of Dolphins Swims Through Electric Blue Bioluminescent Waves

Jul 14, 2020

The ocean is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful treasures on earth. In April 2020, Patrick Coyne and his friend were out on the ocean by Orange County's Newport Beach in California, hoping to find the perfect scene to capture on film. They were lucky enough to attract the attention of four curious dolphins that shone brightly due to the bioluminescent waters. The contrast of the pitch-dark waters and the shine of the dolphins led to this beautiful footage.

Footage has been recently taken of a pod of dolphins glowing with a neon blue hue as they swim through the waters off the coast of Southern California. This gorgeous footage was taken at night in Orange County's Newport Beach by photographer, Patrick Coyne. Coyne gained popularity due to an amazing shot of crashing blue bioluminescent tides in the same area only a week before.

According to The Orange County Register, Coyne and his buddy Ryan Lawler, the owner of Newport Coastal Adventure, were out in the ocean on an inflatable boat. They were hoping to catch footage of sea creatures frolicking among the bioluminescent waves. The night was beautiful, but it took a long time before the crew found a perfect scene.

Soon enough, the men found two dolphins swimming alongside their boat. The contrast between the illuminated bodies of the dolphins and the pitch-dark water made for an excellent shot. This lasted about five minutes before two other dolphins joined the scene. Lawler explains why this happened:

"They were bow riding, they were super into the boat. About five minutes in, two more came in and we had a little pod of four dolphins... It was amazing."

The crew was very excited at this beautiful scene before them and knew it had to be captured on film. Coyne and Lawler claimed that the moment was absolutely magical and joked about the dolphins playing with their boat.

Bioluminescent waters have become the star of Coyne's career. According to The Orange County Register, bioluminescent dinoflagellates are responsible for the impromptu light show. These single-celled organisms, which are what cause red tides, float near the water's surface and light up due to the chemical luciferin, as the Scripps Institution of Oceanography explains it.

Patrick Coyne posted the video of this incredible scene on his Instagram page. He talks about his difficulty in finding the perfect footage in his caption:

"This was by far the most challenging video I've shot for a number of reasons. For starters, the bioluminescence has sweet spots to where it shows up and then fades away so while on water it's impossible to just find it. Not only that but actually finding any type of animal in pitch black is just so ridiculously hard. Conditions have to be absolutely perfect for the bioluminescence to show up and to have an animal swim through it so we can film it."

The video has already gained over 30,000 likes and over 1,000 comments. We expect that his video will continue to gain popularity as it reaches more people.

What do you think about Patrick Coyne's footage? We think the scene was absolutely gorgeous and would love to see more of his work in the future. Be sure to tell your friends about his work and give us your opinions. We love to hear them!