The Internet Is Cracking Up At This Rescued Baby Deer's Reaction To Having His Tummy Rubbed

Aug 01, 2018

This is definitely a wonderful story about man rescuing a helpless creature and how a little nurturing can cement a bond with the animal world. When you observe this video about a group of electrical linemen and the little deer they helped, you will understand.

The workers were busy clearing some lines in a wooded community. They were just about to trim a tree that had tangled some electrical wires when they came upon a beautiful baby deer trapped in some thorny brush. It was unable to escape.

The linemen cut away the entanglement to free the tiny animal, but it was shaken from the ordeal and afraid to move. One of the linemen gently picked up the adorable deer in his arms and began gently rubbing his belly. The nurturing gesture appeared to work because the deer seemed calm.

The little animal had become comfortable in the warm, strong arms of the worker.

The deer let out a distinctive cry every time he attempted to release him. One of the other linemen quipped that the deer was now spoiled. The video is so adorable and heartwarming!

Finally, when the tiny friend was calm and collected, the lineman placed it on the ground. The young deer followed the workers around like an eager puppy for about an hour. Then, the lineman who had rescued the little deer noticed its mother watching the action from the hillside.

The lineworker assumed it was the deer's mother. He picked up the little one and carried it halfway up the hill, and then, released his tiny friend. The young deer immediately ran to meet its mother, and the pair walked off together.

It's wonderful when these stories involving man and wildlife have a happy ending. The electrical linemen will never forget this experience and the nurturing role their co-worker played to the frightened animal.

This is a must-see video story for every age. Pass it along to your friends and family to put a smile on their faces!