The Best 10 Exercises To Fight Arthritis And Regain Flexibility In Your Joints

Apr 12, 2018

Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis affect hundreds of millions of people each day. 350 million people worldwide are diagnosed with some form of arthritis and 27 million Americans suffer from osteoarthritis to be exact.

Osteoarthritis is a common side effect of the natural aging process, much like a car suffers wear and tear issues the more you drive it. The mechanical use of your joints can trigger chronic inflammation. Rheumatoid arthritis happens to be an autoimmune disease that can present itself in young adults.

The symptoms of these two diseases are quite similar. Joint pain, muscle stiffness, a lack of flexibility, and rigid movements are all common complaints from people who suffer from some form of arthritis.

Yet you don't have to suffer quietly since there are several ways you can treat it.

If you find that you're experiencing any of these symptoms listed, get to your doctor immediately for a diagnosis so that you can begin treatment and prevent your pain from worsening. After a quick physical exam, your doctor will prescribe the treatment they believe will offer you the best relief.

The most common prescriptions for arthritis include medication, physical therapy, and the use of a device that will support your joints such as a splint, brace, or inserts for your shoes. The best kind of treatment usually incorporates all 3 methods.

What your doctor may not tell you is that exercise can be one of the simplest and most effective treatments for anyone suffering from joint pain. Physical activity not only improves your overall wellness, but it specifically helps to alleviate the symptoms of arthritis by spreading your body's natural lubricant called synovial fluid all over your joins for smoother movement.

Exercise will reduce your inflammation that's causing your joint pain, improve your circulation, boost your mood and energy levels, and keep your immune system strong.

Now, here is the list of the best exercises you can do at home to treat your arthritis pain. Most exercises can be completed simply by using your own body weight, but you may also be interested in buying a yoga mat for insulation and free weights to increase the potency of your strength training.

Although you can go through this list and choose the exercises that you feel you can do best and will offer the most relief for your joint pain, if you are able, you should try to incorporate all 10 exercises into your exercise regimen for the best results.

Always remember to warm up your body to slowly elevate your heart rate and prepare your muscles for exercise to prevent further injury or muscle strains.

Take your time to ease into any new physical activity and be kind and patient with yourself!


#1. Squats



#2. Pushups



#3. Pelvic Tilt



#4. Bicycle



#5. Swimming



#6. Flutter Kicks



#7. Spine Twist



#8. Mermaid



#9. Tree



#. 10 Cat / Cow Pose



You don't need an expensive gym membership to achieve your fitness and health goals. All you need to accomplish mental and physical wellness is your body and a little determination!

Start now and inspire your friends and family to do the same by informing them about this article!