The Benefits To Brushing Your Hair The Right Way - Here's How To Do It

Sep 28, 2018

I am sure that you were told as a child that your hair must be brushed 100 times every night before bed. Many of us were told that doing this would make our hair shiny and beautiful. If you were like me, after ten or so strokes each night, you returned the brush to its spot on the dresser and went to sleep. The truth is, brushing your hair can produce major benefits when done correctly.

Prevents Hair Loss

Frequent brushing of your hair will protect against future hair loss. This is because regular brushing stimulates the capillaries in the head. This increases the flow of blood that carries nutrition and oxygen to the roots of your hair. The balance of oil in the sebaceous gland is also obtained through hair brushing. The loss of these oils is a major cause of premature hair loss.

Strengthens Hair

When the hair is brushed, natural oils are redistributed. These oils assure the strength and shine of the hair are maintained. The natural oils are also responsible for making sure that the moisture of your hair is maintained and prevents hair from becoming dry and brittle.

Cleans Hair

You may find it hard to believe, but brushing your hair is the equivalent of washing it with a dry shampoo. Dirt and other particles that are present on the surface of the scalp or have become intermingled with your hair are eliminated by brushing. Brushing gives the hair a natural and clean look even when not recently washed.

Increased Shine

The natural oils that are produced by brushing are your best bet for keeping hair shiny throughout the day. This is my favorite reason for brushing my hair several times a day.

Proper Brushing Of Hair

Did you know that there is actually a correct and an incorrect way to brush your hair? We will focus on the correct way.

Choose The Right Brush Vai

Brushes that are naturally-bristled are the best choice for hair care. These types of brushes assure the gentle treatment of your hair while redistributing natural oils in an even pattern.

Properly Position Your Body Edwards

As strange as it may initially sound, there is a proper way you should stand when preparing to brush your hair. You should bend as far over at the waist as possible. The more blood that makes its way to your head when brushing, the more stimulation of the capillaries that will take place.

Detangle Before Brushing

You may think that detangling your hair is no different from the process of brushing it. This is not true. When using a brush to detangle your hair, breakage is likely and an excess amount of hair can be lost. It is best to use a wide-tooth comb to detangle the hair before brushing it.

Brush Frequently

While the washing of your hair should be relatively infrequent to preserve its natural oils, you should brush your hair three to four times each day. Brushing your hair upon waking in the morning, around mid-day, and then at least once more before going to bed will assure your hair remains clean and free of all scalp irritations.


Like most of us, brushing your hair usually takes no more than a few minutes. You should also massage your hair for as long as five minutes in addition to brushing. A brisk massage will stimulate blood flow to the roots of the hair. The sebaceous glands will also function with more efficiency.

Understand Your Hair

Some hair can be brushed more than others. It is important that you get to know your own hair and choose the right time to brush for you.

When done correctly, Brushing your hair can provide a number of great benefits. You should discuss the methods mentioned above with a circle of friends so you and your friends can then take the journey of restoring health to their hair together!