The 16 Most Common Things You're Doing To Ruin Your Hair

Nov 07, 2018

Women always desire to have strong hair that shines with health. One of the best ways to get healthy hair is by eating a healthy diet that allows you to absorb all of the nutrients available while also taking great care of your hair. However, there are a couple of things that many people do wrong without even knowing it!

Avoid doing the things on this list to keep your hair healthy!

Waiting for a Trim or Cut

Waiting to get your hair trimmed can cause serious damage when you have split ends or endless frizz. You can tell that you are overdue for a trim when your hair gets tangled easily or if your hair knots quickly.

Your hair will grow faster and longer when you trim it on a regular basis. The ends will no longer split or break, allowing your hair to grow more quickly.

Dying Your Hair By Yourself

The DIY approach might work with your house, but you shouldn’t practice it with your hair. Coloring your locks should be done by a professional hairdresser. If you do it yourself, you’ll likely end up at their salon anyway and it might be difficult to fix whatever you did.

Brushing Wet Hair

Brushing your hair when it’s wet may cause serious damage. Your hair is more fragile when it is wet and trying to brush through it can cause it to break.

Using hot tools can also cause your hair to break when it's wet because the water evaporates quickly under the heat.

Using Dirty Brushes

If you have had the same brush for a while, you likely have a ton of dead skin particles gathered up in your brush. The dead skin can also be a breeding ground for bacteria. When you brush your hair, you put all of that bacteria into your scalp and hair.

Make sure you clean your brushes before you brush your hair.

Washing Your Hair in Very Hot Water, Too Often

Washing your hair too often can remove the natural oils that keep your locks healthy. The hot water will also make your hair brittle and dry. You should only be washing your hair two or three times each week.

Not Using Conditioner

Conditioners and shampoos are completely different. Shampoos clean while the conditioners moisturize your hair.

Make sure you are using conditioner to help keep your hair moisturized.

Not Changing Products

Changing your products can help you if you have changed something about your hair. The different products on the market have a variety of ingredients that are meant to create a specific solution if you have thin, colored, or damaged hair.

Brushing From The Roots

Though brushing your hair will stimulate the hair follicle, it can be damaging if you brush it too much. When you create a massive knot, you end up pulling out a lot of hair.

Brushing can also cause the roots to become damaged and weaker.

Make sure you always start brushing your hair from the ends and then go up to the roots. You can untangle the knots as you go along.

Tight Hairstyles Source

When you use a tight hairstyle too often, it will cause your hair to become brittle. Make sure you don’t use hair ties that have metal on them. Alternate your ponytail with leaving it down to ensure you don’t damage your hair.

Sun Damage

Sun damage isn’t just a concern for your skin. You need to be aware of the possible sun damage that can happen to your hair. If your hair seems discolored or feels dry, sun damage might be responsible.

Have you been making any of these common hair mistakes? Let us know in the comments and pass this along to the person with the most beautiful hair you know!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!