The 12 Types Of Parents According To The Stars

Mar 22, 2018

If you’re a parent and you have a keen interest in the star signs, you may have given a lot of thought to what your child’s zodiac sign means about them. However, have you considered what your star sign says about you as a parent? Find out what kind of parent you are based on your zodiac below! 



You’re creative and visionary, and so as an Aquarius, you’ll likely raise inquisitive children who are encouraged to write, draw, sing, or paint their hearts out. Your strong suit is in allowing your kids to be curious free thinkers, full of imagination.


Pisceans are naturally motherly, warm, and gentle. You nurture your kids and loved ones, and are sensitive to their ever-changing needs and feelings. You’re more protective than disciplinary and you will never give unfair or harsh punishment. 



The Ram is courageous and fearless; however, as the head of the household, you’re not necessarily intimidating. Your children will respect you and will grow up to be confident and headstrong just like you.



As a Taurus, you’re patient, but at the same time you push your children to work hard. Household chores are very important in your family, just as much as creating financial and emotional stability within your home. You will always listen and never ignore your child’s needs.



As a Gemini, you’ll engage your children in deep conversations over dinner, while keeping things playful and friendly. You are likely to be your child’s best friend, meeting them as equals rather than being superior to them.



Cancers forge deep emotional connections with their children. You’re a calm and natural parent and you don’t have to “try” to be a good mom or dad. You also thrive on sentimentality, so you’ll probably spend a lot of quality time just being present with your kids.



As the Lion, you’re a natural-born leader, and you encourage your kids to achieve great things. You will never allow your children to be lazy, always pushing them to be involved with many stimulating activities and hobbies.



You are well-organized, meticulous, and careful, so as a Virgo your children will always feel safe and their lives will be well-structured. You will create a regular routine in your home and encourage your kids to keep up healthy habits.



Your home life is naturally balanced. Work and play are equal to you, and keeping calm, balanced emotions is one of your values as a parent. Therefore, you’re excellent at distributing fair justice, as well as soothing and reassuring your child no matter what.



Scorpios are homebodies, and as a result, your house truly does feel like “home”. In addition, you have a special emotional connection with your children– you can almost read their minds, knowing what they want and need before they even ask.



The free-spirited Sagittarius is a fun parent who throws the best birthday parties. You’re always planning the next adventure for your family– which can also include adult things such as business meetings. To you, it’s all fun!



Capricorns are the definition of sturdy and dependable. You will set strong boundaries and rules, and you will also be consistently there for your children at all times. You will teach them responsibility and practicality, which will mold them into strong forces such as yourself. 


Getting to know yourself as a parent is a valuable tool. All 12 types of parents have their own strengths and weaknesses, but as long as you know what works for you, you can play to your own strengths wisely.


Show this to your friends and loved ones so they can find out what type of parent they are!