The 12 Rules Of Royal Upbringing From Which Parents Should Take Example

Dec 03, 2018

When we think of royal children, our knowledge of history and fairy tales leads us to believe that they live in luxury, eating with golden plates and silverware and wearing the finest silk.

However, the reality is a little more down-to-earth than what we've been led to believe.

Here we will look at how the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, William, and Kate, raise their two children, George and Charlotte. You would be surprised to learn just how modestly they live, and how grounded their parents really are.

A Love For Sports Is Crucial

William and Kate are avid sports enthusiasts with William being a fan of basketball, football, and polo, and Kate having a love for grass hockey herself.

They are hoping to have their children follow suit despite not having any real passion for sports at the moment.

Cartoons Are Fine

George and Charlotte are able to watch TV but only at certain times. Despite this, they've already picked their favorites:

George is a fan of Fireman Sam, and Charlotte loves Peppa Pig.

Consume Reasonably

Reasonable consumption is the name of the game for William and Kate. They refuse to buy the newest fashion items for their children and instead provide them with their old hand-me-downs. George has even been seen wearing the clothes his Uncle Harry wore as a kid.

Whenever the need does arise for something new Kate foregoes luxury models and instead makes it a point to choose more democratic brands for her kids.

Education Is Key

At their young age George and Charlotte have already developed a fondness for reading. On top of that their mother Kate often brings them to various museum exhibits. The children's personal favorite is the Museum of Natural History in London. Kate explained how they love to visit, and it wasn't just because of the dinosaurs n display.

Everyone In The Family Is Allowed To Express Themselves

The Duke and Duchess make it a point to help their kids develop their emotional intelligence, bucking the royal tradition of raising "restrained" individuals. William noted that we live in a different time now, and that we're seeing the rise of a generation who openly declare whatever is worrying them.

Just Because You Have A Title Doesn't Mean You Can Live Idly

There is only one babysitter employed by the royal family. Even then every duty that involves bathing, feeding, and walking the kids is handled by the Duke and Duchess.

William also makes it a point to let his children know of his occupation as a helicopter pilot for the emergency medical services.

No Matter Your Age, One Should Follow Proper Etiquette In Public

The Prince and Princess aren't excluded from having strict rules regarding their behavior in public.

Whenever the kids get too out of hand or too naughty then they aren't allowed to go with their parents to public events or places. Instead, they are made to stay home for their actions.

Only Adults Get To Play With Computers And Tablets

William and Kate have made it clear that they think kids should spend their times playing with balls or jump rope outside so that they get the chance to develop their imaginations.

Their kids spend most of their time playing outdoors, and their use of electronic devices is severely restricted.

Physical Punishments Aren't Tolerated

Physical punishment is prohibited in the royal household, and instead, the Duke and Duchess practice other methods of getting their children to stop misbehaving. Kate for example likes to react to one of George's tantrums by throwing one herself.

She falls onto the floor and screams, and this usually gets him to stop. She also sings loudly in order to get his attention.

Respect The Work Of Others

From an early age, Prince George and Princess Charlotte understood that every person's work should be valued. They don't neglect meals and they pick up after themselves because they're aware of the work of their mother who cooks and their maid who cleans the house.

You Can Relax At Home

William has explained how George is quite the adventurous youth with his love of running and jumping around. He pointed out how George luckily hasn't seen any injuries as of yet, but he sure seems to be trying to give himself a few broken bones.

His only hope is that things get easier down the road.

Your Top Priority Should Be Family

At the tender age of 4, George has taken on a brotherly role towards his sister, and the two are becoming best friends according to their mother. They've been taught the history of their family, and regularly visit the grave of their grandmother, the late, great Princess Diana.

George and Charlotte's parents also make it a point to spend as much time with them as they can to the point of negating pre-existing conditions to allow the children to sit with their parents. This level of intimacy can be felt in George's love of talking with his dad, and Charlotte's cooking with her mom.

What do you think of the Royal family's rules for raising their children? Do you agree? Let us know - and pass this on to your friends!