Terrified, Shaking Dog Rescued And Transforms Into Loving Pup Before Our Eyes

Nov 16, 2018

Many dogs have had a hard life, especially ones who have suffered abuse from humans. There are also millions of dogs who have lived the stray life, so their only interactions with humans have been being yelled at, kicked or shooed away.

These negative interactions can cause a dog to be deeply emotionally scarred to the point where they may never be able to recover their trust and comfort toward humans. It can take patience and a gentle approach to rehabilitate these animals.


As difficult as this may seem, there are people who are determined to give every puppy a fair shot at having a good, happy life. Eldad Hagar is one of those people. He works with a Los Angeles based dog rescue organization called Hope for Paws.

Hagar has experience rescuing many different breeds of dogs, but this time he encountered a white pit bull who was very frightened.

Someone alerted the rescue organization about a lost dog, so Hagar and his crew went to investigate. The crew wasn’t told exactly where to find the dog, so Hagar searched the area until he finally found her hiding in a garage.

This made it is easier than chasing and capturing the dog out in the open. The crew closed off the garage with a soccer net and Hagar went in and secured the puppy with a dog catcher’s pole.

Of course, the dog didn’t know that the people’s intentions were friendly, so she was very scared and tried to run away. However, Hagar was experienced and skilled, so he was able to catch her with relative ease.

The poor puppy yelled out in fear, stiff and shaky, so they secured her more tightly. She calmed down a little, but she was still very shaky.

They wanted to establish a rapport with her, so they used a dummy arm to pet her on the shoulder and head. Although she was fearful, she allowed the contact without struggling. This tactic enabled them to put a leash on her.

Once she was safely placed at a veterinary clinic, she began to calm down. Surprisingly, being surrounded by caring people, she began to become friendly. It was evident that she would be able to recover psychologically and enjoy being with people. Seeing such a frightened puppy smile for the first time put a tear in some people’s eyes.

What are your thoughts about the plight of stray dogs? Share your feelings in the comments. If this story has touched your heart, send it along to your friends.