Ten Home Exercises That Can Help Get Rid of Your Stubborn Belly Pooch

Aug 07, 2019

According to a 2017 study, the number one New Years resolution among participants was getting in shape. Despite being one of the most popular goals for each year, getting fit is also the least achieved.

We have several excuses and reasons for not attaining this goal despite our desires to be in shape. Maybe we blame our hectic schedule for not being able to make it to the gym.

Maybe our lazy attitudes in the morning are to blame. Regardless of our reasoning, without a proper course of action, we may never be fit.

To help combat these excuses, we've created a unique workout routine that can be performed at home without any gym equipment. This effective workout makes it easier to get fit by cutting kit the hassle of commuting to a gym.

These highly effective should be done in intervals of 20 seconds engagement and 10 seconds rest. Perform each exercise for 8 of these rounds and then rest one minute in between each different movement.


5 Jumping Jacks + 1 Burpee

Start this movement by performing standard jumping jacks. Jump a few inches off of the ground and allow your feet to spread to either side of your body and hands to swing above your head. Being both your hands and feet to the starting position and repeat this five times.

After the fifth jumping jack, it’s time to perform the burpee. Bend over and place both palms on the floor with similar positioning to that of a push-up. Place your feet behind for support and allow your chest to hit the ground. Pop back up as fast as possible and begin doing jumping jacks again.

4 Mountain Climbers + 2 Sit-Throughs

Start this exercise at the height is a standard push-up position. Feet and hands should be on the floor with your torso in a straight line. Begin by bringing your right knee towards your chin in a quick, but controlled motion.

Return your leg to the beginning position and repeat the same movement with your left leg. Complete that entire movement a total of four times.

Now it's time for sit-throughs. To begin, you need to get yourself into the pushup position. Slowly, lift your left hand and right leg off the ground. Bring your left hand up to your head and kick your right leg through.

Make sure to turn your hips and body so that your butt is able to touch the ground. Go back to the pushup position. Repeat it with your right hand and left leg. Repeat it twice and return to doing mountain climbers.

Plyometric Step-Ups

This movement requires a sturdy surface that is raised a foot or so off of the ground. A fixed bench or large step works perfectly. Start with your right foot on top of the raised surface but keep your body weight on the ground.

In a jumping motion, lift your left foot from the ground and replace your right one. Perform the same motion to end up in the starting position again.

That counts as one rep.


Start this exercise by laying on the ground facing the floor. Place your toes and palms on the ground to hold your body weight. Feet should be together and hands just below the shoulders. Raise your body in the air by pushing through the ground. Stop just before your arms are fully extended. Then, slowly lower your chest until it is close to the ground. This counts as one rep. It is important to keep your body erect during this movement. Resist the temptation to lower your hips.

2 Split Squat Jumps + 1 Burpee

Start in a standing position with each hand holding a dumbbell. Step forward with your right foot in a lunge position and allow your left knee to lower towards the ground. Jump into the air and switch the position of your legs. Perform this motion twice and then start doing the burpee.

Toe Taps

Place a small ball on the ground in front of you and put your right toe on top. Quickly jump and place your right leg back on the ground and place your left leg on top of the ball. Repeat this until time runs out.

Plank Walks

Start this movement in a plank position with your elbows on the floor supporting your bodyweight. Place each hand on the ground in order to raise yourself into a pushup position.

Sprinter Sit-Ups

Start by laying on the ground in a face-up position. Keep your arms bent at a 90-degree angle and forearms perpendicular to the floor. Slowly raise your torso into a sit-up position. At the same time, raise your left leg off of the ground and extend your right arm in a sprinting motion. Repeat the same motion with the other side of your body.

Squat Thrusts

Being this exercise in a pushup position with hands and toes on the floor. Jump forwards while still supporting your bodyweight with your hands. Return your feet to the beginning position.

Sumo Goblet Squat Pulses

Start with feet wider than shoulder width apart and angled at about 45-degrees. Lower your hips until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Return to the beginning position and repeat.

Spread the word about this gym-free exercise routine that can burn that stubborn belly fat! Did you try any of these exercises? Let us know.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!