Teens Tips Waiter Only $3.28 - Then, A Few Days Later, This Note Is Handed To Him

Mar 26, 2019

For teenagers learning their way in the world, it is often the little things that can be the most confusing.

For Illustration Purposes Only (With Models) - istockphoto.com/SDI Productions

One group of teenagers learned a valuable lesson on the night of their homecoming dance. The group of friends was all dressed up and excited to act like adults going out to eat at a nice restaurant.

After finishing their meal at a fancy restaurant, they only left a tip of $3.28. This sad tip was despite the fact that their attentive waiter made sure that they had everything they needed during their special meal. He even took the time to divide the bill properly for the kids.


Because there was nothing that he could do about the dismal tip, the Los Angeles waiter knew he had to just let it go and not dwell on it. A few days later, he was in for quite the surprise when he received a letter from one of the teens that he had waited on that evening.

The letter thanked the waiter for his excellent service and making the experience special for the group of four friends. The teen then apologized for leaving such an inadequate tip, explaining that they were not aware of how much they should leave. Instead, they nervously just emptied their pockets and collected the $3.28.

The teenager explains that they later learned about their mistake and decided to make it right. Inside the envelope was the money for the 18 percent tip plus extra for making the night extra special.

This story is sure to make everyone feel better about our future generations. After you have seen the pictures of this sweet letter, be sure to spread the joy to everyone else that you know. These teenagers deserve to be recognized for their maturity in recognizing their mistake and then taking the steps to make it right.