Teenager Goes Through Series Of Dramatic Growth Spurts, Now She Has The World's Longest Legs

Sep 17, 2019

When Maci Currin was born, she was only slightly longer than average and measured 19 inches. However, she grew rapidly and was 35 inches tall by the time she was 18 months old. Her rapid growth rate continued for many years. When she entered elementary school, her height made her appear to be at least a few years older than her peers.

She was 5 feet 7 inches tall at 9 years old. By the time she stopped growing in her freshman year of high school, she was 6 feet 9 inches tall. More than that, her legs were 53 inches long. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, she has the world’s longest legs.


Maci, who lives in Austin, Texas, has experienced a few perks associated with her long legs, but she also has experienced physical and emotional pain as a result. In addition to being bullied throughout many years in school, she experienced profound growing pains until she finally reached her full adult height. According to Maci, it is difficult to find clothes that fit her. She frequently bumps her head while getting in and out of cars, walking through doorways and being in other situations.

This 16-year-old girl stands head and shoulders above everyone in her family and in her school. Her height makes her stand out in a crowd, and she says that many people take her picture without her permission according to AOL. Other people stare, point at her or make rude comments. However, Maci has developed a thick skin and has grown stronger because of the adversity that she has faced throughout her entire life.

Do you have a physical trait that results in unwanted and negative attention from others? Our readers would love for you to leave a few details about your experiences and how you have handled them.