Teenager Does Yard Work—Trades In Treasured Gaming Console To Buy Car For Single Mother

Oct 06, 2020

Hard work, as the saying goes, pays off. Sometimes, one person's hard work pays off for another. A young boy spent a great deal of time and effort working and saving money. He didn't do it because he wanted something for himself. The young man's labor eventually paid for a car for his mom.

And the "young man" wasn't a 20-year-old. What makes his story so impressive is he's only 13. The teen, named William, shows what someone can do when love and motivation guide them to a result.

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William worked an entrepreneurial job many other young people spend time doing. He mows lawns. Besides mowing lawns and trimming grass, William performs yard cleanup work, reports WSLS news. Finding customers isn't always easy, as some people like to do the work themselves. And then some homes and businesses rely on established "professional" companies in the area.

William didn't let anything get in his way, and he wasn't put off by any local competition. William accepted as many jobs as he could to make extra money. William's mom, Krystal, even referred to him as a "money-making machine," as he signed up for as many lawn-related jobs as possible. At one point, William's mom accepted her son's ultra-busy schedule as a routine. She did not think much of it when William said he had jobs to do.


William deserves a lot of credit for being so motivated. Remember, lawn mowing and yard cleanup work isn't easy on the body. A grown adult can struggle with the physical effort involved. Add hot weather to the mix and going from home-to-home, job-after-job becomes tough.

That's why so many young folks who perform such work establish a reasonable goal based on their needs. William wasn't doing every job for himself though. Since he wanted to help his mom out, he pushed himself harder than others would.

Sometimes, finding the right customers helps entrepreneurs with their goals. That is what happened here. Using Facebook, William found a local lady who was interested in selling her car. 

He reached out about doing yard work as a means of paying for the car. Every job William handled meant money directed towards the purchase of the car. The young man sweetened the barter deal by making a downpayment with his Xbox.

One day in 2019, William walked into the house and proudly announced to his mom that he bought her a car. His mom thought he was joking. After all, how could a 13-year-old boy buy a vehicle? She didn't know the whole story yet, but she would soon find out.


William's mom walked outside and saw the car. At this point, it began to dawn on her that William was not joking or exaggerating. The car's owner worked out the paperwork with William's mom and handed over the keys.

"I lost it, I bawled so bad, I was just like there's no way. What 13-year-old do you know buys their mom a car? I don't know any, never heard of any," Krystal told reporters. "I can't even express it. Like there's no words that can express my gratitude and how proud I am."

Tears of joy overwhelmed William's mom. The local news picked up on the feel-good story. Hopefully, the story went on to inspire others about what a good son can do.

You probably know many people who might feel moved by William's story. Telling them about how a hardworking youngster bought a car for his mom might brighten up their week.

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