Teen Shields Elderly Woman In Rain Unaware That Cop Is About To Pull Him And Family Over For It

Sep 12, 2019

Cops are always looking for criminals, drug addicts, and others who are up to no good. It is just an inevitable part of their job. So it can be a real touching surprise if real acts of kindness happen right in front of them. That was the experience that Officer Holt had as he was working for the Independence Police Department last year. This particular incident was something he couldn’t wait to share with the world.

The police officer, who lives and works in Missouri, took to Facebook to talk about an incident that touched him. He wrote about how there is a lot of hate that is fueled by race, color, and sexual preferences. Officer Holt regularly interacts with men and women in public. While he has seen a lot of awful things, this particular experience was thankfully not one of them. In fact, it touched his heart so much that he had to learn more about the young man and his family.


That is because he witnessed a young black teenager get out of a van while the rain was pouring down. The reason? To help an elderly white lady get to her car. He held his jacket over her and shielded her as much as he could while he walked her back to her vehicle. "He then walked back to his car all while not saying a word to his Auntie or Mom when he exited or re-entered," Officer Holt wrote.

Holt decided that he was going to pull the van over after witnessing such a sweet act of kindness. Of course, the driver, the teen's mom, was a bit concerned about why she was being stopped. However, she soon began to tear up after she heard what Officer Holt had to say about her son.

“I told his mom that she has done amazing with him and I hope and pray he goes places. She started tearing up, because I was a cop and took time out of my day to call him out on what I witnessed," Holt wrote on Facebook.

The post that he made on Facebook soon went viral. A family member of the teenager reached out to the police station and arranged a meeting between Officer Holt and the young teenager, 14-year-old Tyrea. The proud officer took them out to dinner at the local Red Lobster to thank him for his amazing kindness, reports FOX.

We love hearing these types of stories amidst all of the awful ones we often get to hear! Don’t you? Please leave us a comment below and pass this wonderful story on!