Teen Poses In Front Of American Flag And Posts It Online - People Are Shocked When They Zoom In

Jul 27, 2018

For many high school students, art is a class they consider to be a fun elective, but not something they really take too seriously. That's why when this student created a patriotic masterpiece, he quickly gained a following from both near and far away.

Young Jacob Feazel is an aspiring artist whose love of art and his country came together to produce an inspiring result. He chose to create a one-of-a-kind American flag that would pay solemn tribute to the men and women who put their lives on the line every day to secure our freedoms.

Of course, those would be none other than American soldiers.


The teacher and the other students in his classroom were blown away by both the beauty and touching symbolism of Jacob's project. He hadn't painted the flag onto a blank canvas. Instead, he had painted 4,466 tiny toy soldiers red, white and blue. Then he grouped them in such a way that they formed the shape of Old Glory, gluing each one carefully in place.

Jacob realized that while spending 56 hours to make the project seemed like a long time, the amount of time each of our US soldiers spends protecting our freedoms is far longer. In fact, some of them give up not just some of their time but give their very lives to ensure that Jacob and the rest of us can enjoy the blessings of a peaceful life.

As you might expect, Jacob received an A for completing this amazing art project for school. But his focus wasn't on getting a good grade. Instead, he was hoping that the project would raise awareness of the selfless service our men and women in the armed forces offer to our country each and every day. He posted pictures of his project to social media, and his proud mother added them to her account too.

From there, the rest is history. Millions of likes and shares later, Jacob's powerful message is still spreading far and wide as folks from all across the globe continue to pass those pictures along.

Jacob eventually started a Facebook page where he shares pictures of his art projects. Appropriately, the page is called "For love of country and art - the art of Jacob Feazel." The American Legion found out about Jacob's flag project and decided to interview him about his ideas and inspirations.

You can learn more about this incredible young artist by watching the following video:

Were you moved by Jacob's flag project? Tell us your thoughts! Pass this story along to all of your art and country loving friends!