Teen Pictured As He Helps Elderly Blind Woman Cross Street–Deserves Recognition

Sep 08, 2020

A little act of kindness can go a long way, even all the way around the internet. In Cincinnati, Dontarius Caldwell, 15, showed that respect and compassion are not missing in our younger generation. He doesn’t even really understand why what he did is such a big deal, which proves how natural his actions were. These actions were helping a blind senior lady cross the road.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Some people claim that teenagers today are so absorbed in their phones and selfies that they don’t care about the world or the people around them. Blanket statements are rarely accurate, and all it takes is one gesture to disprove them.


istockphoto.com/Nikola Ilic

While Dontarius and his sister Dyamond were waiting for the bus, they were doing what most teenagers do: playing on their phones. But when Dyamond noticed the elderly blind woman struggling to press the button to cross the street, she nudged her brother.

Dontarius immediately crossed over to the woman and asked if she needed help, which she gratefully accepted. Not only did he press the button, but he took her hand and helped her cross two streets, reports ABC13.

Unbeknown to Dontarius, an onlooker named Mike Garibay had recorded this sweet act of kindness. “I just thought, man, that is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. When they stopped at that corner. I had to take a picture,” he told FOX19. He then posted the picture on Facebook and the world started taking notice.

Dontarius’s mother Sheena Ferrell wasn’t surprised at her son’s actions, but she was surprised to find out about it online. A friend showed her the video. “I’m just really proud and excited,” she told WBTV. Any parent can relate–one of the best feelings in the world is to see your kids doing something good without prompting.

Dontarius’s school gave him an honorary key to the school to recognize his kindness. The local FOX outlet picked up the story and interviewed the young man, his sister, his mom, and Mike Garibay.

“I was just trying to help,” Dontarius told the reporters. He seemed genuinely puzzled as to why everyone has been making such a big fuss. Indeed that is part of what makes the video sweeter. He didn’t do it to get attention; it’s a 100% genuine helpful gesture.

If you want to have a little faith in humanity restored, take a moment to watch young and old connect in this memorable video. Once you have done so, don't hesitate to spread it to all your friends and family on social media so they can recognize the moment.

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