Teen Is Extremely Sick After Making Homemade Slime, Sends Desperate Warning To Other Kids

Jul 30, 2018

Everyone has seen slime. As kids, we all knew slime. If you have kids now chances are you have helped them make it. It is a homemade gooey toy that resembles rubber, with properties similar to Play-Doh.

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This curious homemade toy can provide hours of enjoyment for children. Slime makes hilarious noises, picks things up, and has many interesting physical properties. The slime never completely falls apart, it doesn't crumble like dried up Play-Doh, and it lasts almost forever.



Slime was popular mainly due to its many design choices. The ingredients which could be used in slime is nearly endless. They can be made with glitter or can glow in the dark. You could even mix everything together and make a rainbow themed pattern. You'd be hard-struck to come up with an original idea when it comes to slime.

That's how popular this homemade toy once was.

istockphotos.com/Marilyn Nieves

The abundancy of choices when it comes to ingredients has created a dangerous scenario. One 16-year-old named Jessica Moreland used an ingredient that got her in a lot of trouble. She wanted to make a batch for her younger cousins, hoping they would have a fun time.

She began making the slime in her backyard's shed. It wasn't long until she began to feel dizzy, her lungs started hurting and she was unable to catch her breath. She also described having a headache as one of the early symptoms. She continued making the slime, which just made herself sicker. It wasn't until she told her doctor the list of ingredients she was using in the slime did she figure out the cause of her illness.

Borax, the doctor said, was the culprit.

Even Jessica's mother fell victim to the effects when she sat in the shed talking with her daughter. The good news is that not all slime recipes call for borax. Children can still have fun creating slime without using harmful products, but it's important to read about all the ingredients that go into homemade toys. 

Take what you learned here and spread the word. Slime making is a perfectly fine activity to do with your child, but make sure everyone knows that borox recipes should be avoided at all costs by spreading this information around.

We here at APost want to make sure kids stay safe, so we recommend consulting your doctor or a professional if you're unsure about the chemicals in your children's homemade projects.