Teen Given New Service Dog From Former NFL Player & Wife After Hers Was Shot To Death In Her Yard

Mar 22, 2019

Although some people don’t see animals as valuable as humans, other people would argue that they’re wrong. Animal’s lives are valuable, and we’re most often reminded of their pricelessness when we have a pet that we love and cherish. Pets provide us with a type of loyalty and companionship that we can’t find anywhere else.

Some other animals even become courageous heroes when they provide services for people. For some people with disabilities, they rely on their service animals to help them live their everyday lives. One young girl that lives in Quinlan, Texas, knows all too well just how precious and loyal animals can be.

According to KTRK-TV, Hannah Westmoreland, a 12-year-old who suffers from type 1 diabetes, often needs the help of a service animal to get her through her day. She enlisted the help of a friendly companion named Journey, a golden retriever.

Journey was instructed and trained to nudge Hannah when her insulin levels reached low points. This helped Hannah avoid slipping into a dangerous coma.


But the unthinkable happened when tragedy struck Hannah and Journey. Someone shot Journey while he was playing at the front yard of their home.

Unfortunately, Journey passed away at the hands of a cruel act of senseless and random violence. But things got even worse when Hannah realized how expensive it would be to adopt another service dog.

“He was breathing really hard and his gums were white, then he laid his head on my lap,” Hannah said. “I just went over there and kissed him on the head and told him everything was going to be OK.”, Hannah told KTRK-TV

KDFW reported that Journey had cost Hannah around $10,000, which had been raised by supporters from her community. After the dog passed, everyone was obviously devastated by the news.

Word of the tragedy got out, however, and a miracle occurred.

A former player on the Dallas Cowboys, Jay Novacek, decided that he could make a difference in Hannah’s life. He knew just what to do: donate a new loving service dog to help Hannah’s life run more smoothly!

The story hit home for Novacek because, at one point in his life, his wife also relied on a service animal to help her through the results of a traumatic car accident. Now, Hannah will be able to manage her type 1 diabetes with the help of her new furry friend and service animal.

Although he still needs some more training, the puppy, named Joey, a member of the Labradoodle poodle breed, is looking like he’ll be the perfect partner for Hannah.

You can hear more about her story in the video above. What do you think about animals and their ability to change and save lives? Let us know in the comments and pass this inspiring story along to your friends and family!