Teen And Dad Take Up Too Much Space 'Rocking Out' At Concert, But The Real Reason Is Heartwarming

Dec 21, 2018

Concerts are known for being loud and crowded. Everyone's pushing each other in an attempt to find the best view of the performer onstage. It can quickly turn a fun night out into a major headache.

For one woman attending a concert for Canadian rock band, Three Days Grace, that scenario became a reality. The packed venue had concertgoers nestled up against each other like sardines, each vying for a peak of the popular band.

That woman, Jules Maria, saw a teenage daughter and her father taking up quite a bit of space a few rows in front of her. While at first she was irritated that they were taking up so much space in an already-crowded area, she quickly realized that the teenager was doing something very special for her dad.


The young lady, 19-year-old Karri Carberry, was signing the lyrics to the Three Days Grace song "Just Like You" for her father, who is hearing impaired. Her dad, Darin Carberry, has been deaf since birth, but he wasn't going to let that disability stop him from enjoying the concert with his daughter.

When Jules saw the heartwarming moment, she decided to capture it on video and post it to her Facebook page where it quickly went viral. The video, which shows Karri mouthing and signing the lyrics of the song in her father's direction, has been viewed thousands of times.

Jules described the moment as "absolutely beautiful" and said that she and fellow concertgoers were so enthralled with watching Karri sign for her father that they barely paid attention to what was happening onstage.

As Karri signed the lyrics, "You thought you were there to guide me/ You were only in my way/ You're wrong if you think that I'll be just like you," her father dances along- clearly enjoying the moment.

It's surely a concert that Karri and her father will never forget. As for the concertgoers that witnessed the special father-daughter moment, they'll also remember it for years to come.

What did you think of this inspiring moment? If this sweet video warmed your heart the way that it did ours, be sure to pass it along to friends and family who also might enjoy it. It's an important reminder to not be so quick to judge others or you might miss out on something quite spectacular.