Teacher Who Broke Neck In Front Of Students Becomes An Inspiration With “Miracle” Recovery

May 03, 2019

It’s a truly incredible thing to see a teacher that is not only incredibly passionate about the subject that they teach to their students but one that is passionate about instilling real-life inspiration into their students and those around them. Skip Redd is a music teacher that is literally living proof to his students and everyone who hears his story that miracles really do happen.

Skipp Redd is a music teacher In Texas that is dedicated to teaching music to his students and to pursuing one of his personal passions: playing the piano.

In April 2017, Mr. Redd took 106 excited students on a field trip to a local trampoline park. The field trip was to celebrate the school year coming to a close and, as you can imagine, the students were absolutely thrilled to spend an afternoon in such a fun environment with one of their favorite teachers.


The students and Mr. Redd were all jumping and having a blast on the trampolines and bounce areas when the students stopped still and stared with horror at what happened.

They had watched Mr. Redd attempt to do a backflip on one of the trampolines and then saw him crash down.

Mr. Redd was taken via helicopter to be treated for the emergent situation by the physicians at Methodist Medical Center in Dallas. The medical team quickly learned that Skip Redd had broken his neck in two separate places and was at a very high risk of being paralyzed.

The medical team immediately rushed him into an emergent surgery with the hopes of preventing paralysis. Mr. Redd underwent a nine-hour surgery where the surgeons worked tirelessly to preserve his movement and function.

When Mr. Redd woke up he quickly realized that he was unable to move any of his limbs. He was told by his medical team that he was paralyzed from his chest down and that he would likely live out the rest of his days as a quadriplegic.

Skip Redd was understandably shocked and devastated by the news. However, he made a firm decision that he wasn’t going to accept that prognosis. Mr. Redd was eventually relocated to a rehabilitation center where he put everything he had into recovering and getting stronger, all the while focused on getting back to teaching his students.

Finally, after months of intensive physical therapy, Mr. Redd was able to return to his classroom, much to the delight of his students. Although he still struggles with some issues in his fingers, he is able to play the piano again!

How incredible is Mr. Redd’s passion for his students that he worked so incredibly hard to get back into the classroom to teach music? Pass this story along to anyone who would like to hear Mr. Redd’s story! Let us know what you think about his incredible journey to recovery in the comments below.