Teacher Tells Her Deaf Students That People Can Hear Their Farts

Nov 20, 2018

Teacher, Anna Trupiano, serves the hard of hearing, deaf, and also hearing students. She is a teacher for toddlers and kids all the way up to 14.

She covers a wide range of subjects for her students but she doesn't stop with just books. She also them to learn how to react and behave in society. Trupiano believes that there is a lot lacking in the world for those that are hearing impaired and deaf and she doesn't want this to hold them back.


Not too long ago, Trupiano had to educate the students on a topic that usually isn't discussed in public - passing gas.

One of the children in the class, a six-year-old, farted so loud that it drew attention to him and other classmates began to cackle. The funny part is that the 6-year-old was completely shocked that anyone knew. He didn't know that farts made any sounds. This started a teaching moment that the class and Trupiano aren't going to forget for a long time.

Check out the discussion she had with the children. It's priceless!


The discussion is rather cute and funny, but it does show that there are some serious problems that could be faced by the deaf and hearing impaired community. This all started with one little fart but there is a real problem here. Many of the students won't be able to learn about instances that happen with other students from time to time simply because they can't hear. Without someone that can explain such instances to them, they will never learn.

A lot of families haven't learned to speak sign very well, or even at all. That makes the child that is impaired feel completely isolated and alone. They don't feel like they have a support system at home. This could hold them back from learning and growing.

Tupiano hopes that her story is shared and people find the humor in it but also wants it to inspire more and more people to learn sign language and assist those that are deaf and hearing impaired.


She wants her students to experience the same kind of world that she does, where everyone interacts with each other, a world that doesn't stop anyone from learning. She feels like everyone needs to have a chance to communicate wherever they go.

Maybe this funny little lesson can teach all of us a little something. Would you be willing to learn sign language if it meant you could help someone else learn? Let us know in the comments below. Be sure and pass this on to raise awareness!