Teacher Snaps Viral Pic Of Crossing Guard Who Has No Idea She's Being Watched

Dec 11, 2018

Today’s world is a scary place, especially when it comes to our children. We have all heard older relatives talk about how it was in “their day.” They often had to walk to and from school, and crossing guards simply did not exist back then.

The concept of a crossing guard really does make sense. Everyone wants someone who helps children make it across the road, especially if that road is a particularly busy one. Crossing guards help drivers catch sight of kids in the road, especially when they are distracted by their cell phones or radios.

Crossing guards often provide kids with a friendly face in the morning. However, winters in North Carolina are often very cold and windy, leaving everyone in a hurry to get inside.

Ms. Minnie, as she is known, is a crossing guard for Trask Middle School. No matter the time or temperature, she greets all of the kids who cross her street warmly and with a smile. She has been a crossing guard for more than 19 years. However, she didn’t think that the adults that drove by her really noticed her. As it turns out, they certainly did


Kayla Thomas is a teacher that does notice Ms Minnie during her travels. One day, she was a bit surprised to see the crossing guard leading some kids over to her car. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing! She was so stunned, she had to take a picture of the event.

Seeing an adult leading younger children to a car would be rightly suspicious in today’s world. However, if you look closely, you can see that this car was full of something too - winter coats, to be exact!

Kayla wrote on Facebook that Ms. Minnie had a large rack of winter coats by her car, with signs that read “free coats” nearby. Apparently, the crossing guard was making sure that her students were warm during the cold months. She took it upon herself to set up a stand with coats for the kids to choose from. Kayla stated that Ms. Minnie gives away winter coats to any child that is need of one. She never asks for a thing in return. Not only that, the winter months are not the only time she is so generous.


According to the website Babble, Ms. Minnie gives out umbrellas to children on days it is raining. At the very beginning of the year, she has school supplies ready for anyone who needs them. While the kids who take advantage of her generosity are surely thrilled, it is definitely her personality that makes it that much better. She has a very positive attitude that helps kids smile every day. For many who are already dreading the school day, that smile often helps get them through.

Ms. Minnie doesn’t do it for the attention, however. She does it to make sure that the kids she helps to cross the street are happy and taken care of. She wants her community to be a better place, so she makes changes in the small ways that she can. The children of this small town are quite lucky to have her in their corner!

What did you think of this heart-warming story? Do you know any crossing guards who are amazing? Let us know about them in the comments and pass this on!