Teacher's "Petty" Bathroom Note Causes Outrage With Parents

Sep 18, 2019

Kids don't always get along with their teachers. And teachers, like all human beings, aren't perfect. Sometimes, they make disastrous mistakes that raise the ire of parents. Recently, one teacher's "petty" note about the bathroom created a significant stir.

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At Aspire Hanley Middle School in Memphis, TN, one teacher chose to devise a bathroom policy related to her classroom. As reported by Fox News, the students received a note serving as a pass out of class to use the bathroom. The note revealed that the students only received two bathroom breaks per month. Once the note shows the two-break limit is reached, there are no more excuses for any reason, unless a medical condition is confirmed by a doctor.

Parents felt outraged over the note. What prompted the teacher's rule? Were students abusing bathroom privileges, or was this an arbitrary decision?


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According to Fox News, the school's policy does not impose such a rule. None of the teacher's superiors had any say in the rule. Parents and students certainly weren't brought into the process. And administrators can likely understand why parents feel upset over the rule. Students could suffer uncomfortably when denied the request to use the bathroom.

Further annoying parents was the notion that students who used the bathroom beyond their twice-monthly allotment faced penalties. Using the facilities could result in detention! The note also comes with a "clause," pointing out that the teacher could deny a bathroom break even if the two-request minimum hasn't yet been reached.

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The attitude expressed in the note seems archaic. This old-time approach to teaching doesn't fit well in today's environment. An annoyed parent posted the note on Facebook for all the world to see. And people also saw the teacher even used the word "petty" to describe herself.

Facebook posts beget Twitter posts. Soon, more and more people in the community learned of the ridiculous note. The school superintendent vowed to investigate the matter. The publicity generated from social media posts probably factored into the decision. Hopefully, this bizarre classroom policy gets eliminated soon.

What would you do if your child brought home such a bizarre note from their teacher? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.